Part 3

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My friends had gone off to talk to some boys so I was left alone for a few minutes. The orchestra had taken a break, so I took this moment to try out some of the many appetisers they had put out.

Suddenly, "OMG" by Camilla Cabello and Quavo started playing over the speakers. Everyone stopped and looked around confused.

"This is my jam," I said quietly to myself.

I started to dance a bit and my dancing slowly got more and more complicated and full out.

🎵My God, you look good today🎵

I twirled and twirled until I missed stepped slightly and stopped. I froze noticing the small group of people watching me, and as I looked up I spotted Kendrick walking my direction. I had no idea what to do. I had no idea what he was doing.

🎵Oh my God you're awesome🎵

Kendrick stopped in front of me and smiled, offering me his hand. I hesitated before placing my hand, covered in my silk white gloves, in his. In one swift motion, he pulled me into him, and we began to Waltz. Thank God I knew how to Waltz. The circle of people around us grew bigger.

🎵Loose your concentration when you take a sip🎵

Kendrick stopped our Waltz and positioned himself behind me, his lips were centimeters from my ear and he whispered the lyrics to me.

🎵Yeah I'm cut like a diamond I'm cold 🎵

The lights started to dim. With one careful hand, Kendrick slowly slid my hand out of one of my silk gloves. I took a deep breath in and my heart raced as he stripped the other glove off my left hand. He then tossed them away and the crowd oooed and awed. As the beat of the song sped up again, he spun me away from him, and I kicked off my heels so I could spin better. I took this moment to show off a little.

🎵Waist so small look like lipo🎵

At this point everyone was watching us and cheering and joining in with the dancing. As Quavo's verse started in the song, Kendrick lipsynced every word and danced around me.

🎵She's so fine, I call my best man🎵

While singing, Kendrick smoothly took off his light blue sash and handed it to some kingly looking friend of his. Next came his white suit jacket. He's eyes were on me as he continued to dance and strip down. He untied his thin black tie and threw it behind him. He unbuttoned the top of his white dress shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. All I could do was stare as I stood in the middle of the circle watching Kendrick put on his little show. He looked unbelievably attractive.

🎵On the cover of magazines, I'mma crown the queen🎵

By now everyone was dancing, and Kendrick had a sly smirk on his face as he made his way back over to me. I felt myself grow physically weak from intimidation and nervousness. I tried to match his confidence by smiling and dancing seductively, but he was ultimately in control. From behind, he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me into him. We began to sway together side to side. His lips were close to my ear again and I could feel his breathing. I closed my eyes and leaned into him more.

The song ended, and the orchestra started playing again. Everyone went back to whatever they were doing before, and the lights brightened up again. I turned around hesitantly to face Kendrick. He smiled and bowed, thanking me for the dance. I smiled back at him, and he took a step forward, closing the space between us. He placed a hand on the side of my face and brushed my hair back with the other.

"If I may ask, what is your na-" Kendrick started before he was cut of by the sound of trumpets.

Everyone's attention turned towards the front entrance where the trumpeters stood.

"Princess Arianna has arrived," announced one of the trumpeters.

"Well that's not obvious at all," I heard Kendrick whisper to himself. I looked at him confused.

"Oh sh- uh ok ok," Kendrick said looking at himself, probably remembering that he was not wearing his proper attire. A man ran over to Kendrick with a new set of clothes and his jacket.

"I got you man," the man said, speaking quickly. "You have about two minutes before Arianna comes through the door-"

"Alright thank you Jacques, just give me like one minute," Kendrick told him.

I awkwardly stood near Kendrick, realizing that my two minutes of fairytale were probably about to end. Kendrick turned towards me and held my hands.

"Hey listen I have to go, but please please please come find me later," Kendrick said before kissing my hands. Completely speechless, I just nodded.

He walked away a few paces before turning back to me and saying, "Prince's order," he then smiled and winked at me. I blushed uncontrollablly.

I was then left alone but not for long, soon Mony and Ti found me and ran over.

"Hey I think you lost these," Mony teased as she handed me the shoes I had dramatically kicked off during my twirl solo.

"Oh thank you so much!" I said, still blushing.

"OK are we not going to talk about what just happened?" Ti asked.

We all laughed while I fangirled a bit.

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