Part 5

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"Uh Kendrick? I think I saw Arianna go that way," Jacques pointed in the other direction. He caught me trying to slip outside.

"Yeah, I know..." I said trying to be nonchalant.

"Ok, you know what? I'm not going to be involved, but whatever you do, I'll support you."

I sighed in relief. "Thank you, Jac, you really are my best friend."

"Of course. Oh and Happy Birthday," he told me.

I bro hugged him before heading on my way out. I knew a hidden staircase that would allow me to get outside without going through the crowd of people. After some twists and turns through the castle, I arrived at the garden. The garden was dimly lit from the light coming from inside and from the moon. I walked down the steps and stopped at the bottom, noticing familiar red shoes, sitting on the bottom step. I looked up and sure enough, Red was examining the rose bushes. I figured I might find her here.

"The Stargazer Lily is my favorite," I said grabbing her attention. She turned around to me a little startled. She smiled but she tried to hide it.

I walked over to the pink lilies that were in full bloom.

"I like roses," she finally said.

"I do too," I said slowly walking over to her. "The red ones match your dress."

She smiled at me again but looked away.

"Shouldn't you be inside?" She asked, with her back to me.

"You never told me your name," I said while attempting to turn her attention to me. Something had changed.

"Prince Kendrick..." she said, still turned away from me. "I have to ask you about something I heard, that is really none of my business, but I have to know."

"Of course, what did you want to know?"

"I heard that... that, you were already... betrothed to Princess Arianna." She said reluctantly.

I closed my eyes, sighed, and turned away from her to sit on a nearby bench. I stroked my chin to create a good answer to this question.

"That... is true," I finally said. "I am betrothed to Arianna. Our parents would like us to unite the kingdoms. But it is tradition to have the future king pick his wife at the ball. So Arianna is here for that reason." I sighed again. "Maybe it was selfish of me to dance with you, or anyone. But I thought maybe for one night I could find and experience something like love," I explained.

She nodded her head. "I should be going-"

"No don't go, please." I got up to go after her. "I want you to know what happened tonight is not meaningless to me, you gave me something I will never have." I told her.

She nodded. "Thank you for telling me." She paused, "are you happy with Arianna?"

I sat down again and rubbed my face. "It's complicated..." I told her.

She sat next to me. "Sorry it's really none of my business."

"It's ok. Can you keep a secret?" I asked her.

"Of course."

I took a deep breath. "I think I'm going to call off the wedding," I said quietly.

She looked at me with wide eyes.

"I know, it's crazy, my parents will be so unhappy with me, but I think there is a better way to unite the kingdoms and, and I know I'm not in love with Arianna and that is not fair to either of us. I don't know, do you think it's selfish?"

"No I think it's brave," she said touching my arm. "This way everyone can be happy. Plus who can fall in love in one night anyway?"

I smiled. "I know right? Ridiculous. Thank you for saying that." I laughed. "OK I should really be going back inside," I said getting up.

"I'm going to go in and find my friends in a few too," she added.

"OK, don't leave before saying goodbye, promise?"

She nodded.

"OK I want one more dance before you go," I said walking away. I heard her giggle.

I walked through the grand hall doors.

"There you are Kendrick," my father said.

"Hi, sorry I was just talking with-" her name, I thought. I still didn't get her name. "Nevermind, where's Arianna?"

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