Chapter 1

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"In every being there are midi-chlorians that permit said being to be connected to the Force. The more there are, the more a being is able to use the Force, giving us Force-users like the Jedi and the Sith. Each one has a certain amount within their bloodstream, in a way drawn from the universal 'pool' of the Force specifically given for each being. To clone a being with more midi-chlorians is to draw more from that pool than is one's fair share. It causes both physical and mental strain because, in a way, the clone or clones are sharing the same 'store' as their progenitor, yet have their own in the mix. The Force would be compensating for its loss. Such beings would be...abominations. Aberrations.

To put it quite simply; you can't force the Force."

- Jedi scholar and scientist Tharis Orne on the millennia-old subject of cloning Jedi

One month later, two weeks pre-hatch

It was a particularly rainy day when Lama Su decided to seek out Jango for a final verdict on the matter of training the aberrant batch of clones, aptly dubbed "void troopers" as they seemingly drew upon energy out of nowhere, or void. Su had not been overly impressed with Za's wordplay, insisting that he keep a professional manner even on a classified assignment, but it was fitting. "Force troopers" didn't aid the image of the typically clinical, scientific views of the hatchmasters. "Void" fitted their label for their inherent variability.

As the Prime Minister of Kamino drew near to the quarters of the bounty hunter, he saw that the grizzled man was already outside the building, standing on a rain-soaked walkway, leaning on the railings and looking into the distance to the horizon. Jango stood up straighter when he noticed Su approaching.

"Prime Minister," he said simply, acknowledging his presence as Su drew closer.

"Jango," Su replied evenly. "I have come to you seeking advice on an issue regarding a...development in the advanced batch."

"The Nulls?" Fett asked, curiously. "What about them?"

"I am afraid I'm not allowed to divulge such information to you, Master Fett. We will not need your direct input on the issue, merely a recommendation."

Looking around cautiously, as though suspicious of unseen, listening ears, Su bent his head down to talk more quietly. "Would any of your...former compatriots have any experience with the Force?"

This piqued Jango's interest more than Su had originally intended, as Su noticed Jango take a seemingly unassuming stance, but both knew they were trying to outthink the other without giving anything away to the other.

"Well," Jango said slowly, "I know a few Voss commandos from my time in the Tion Cluster, but they're purely a peacekeeping force, and they couldn't be bothered to leave their planet if you offered them as much as you've paid me. There's a Gand Findsman or two I could connect you with, but I'm not sure they'd adjust well to the climate. The Mecrosa are more meant for one-off hits; they're assassins, not teachers. Too culty for my tastes anyway. Then there's..." Jango trailed off, getting a concerned gleam in his eye.

"And?" Lama Su pressed, undeterred.

Jango sighed uneasily. "There is someone else. I should warn you he's not a conventional Force-user, as are any of the members of his organization. They aren't picky about location like the others, but they will have...conditions. If you want him for what I think you have in mind, Minister, I wouldn't recommend him."

"From what other options you've given us, Master Fett," Lama Su replied coolly, "he may very well be the only option we have. Reach out to this person, and inform him we're interested in business."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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