Chapter Seven - "Dan elbowed me!"

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Phil was startled when he woke up to say the least. He was in a different room and instead of it being silent downstairs, two people were actually talking. As he blinked the sleep in his eyes away and looked over to the right, someone was asleep next to him far too close making Phil freak and shove the person from the bed.

Then he realised that he had just shoved Dan Howell, his new best friend, out of his own bed. "Well. I see you're up," Dan stated, pushed himself off the ground and ran his hand through his hair. Dan laughed lightly and ruffled Phil's hair, something he seemed to enjoy doing, before walking off into the bathroom. Phil scowled at the door as if Dan could see him and fixed his hair but then realised that it didn't matter, he would've had a bed head anyway. "Bathrooms free," Dan said, leaning against the door frame and gesturing to the en suite.

The black haired boy smiled his thanks and was about to make his way into the bathroom but the older of the two boys grabbed his arm to stop him. They made eye connection and Dan spoke up. "Take your time, my mum phoned your mum to let her know you were here and safe. Your mum wants you to take the day off school," Phil nodded, again, and shook his arm from Dan's grip to get into the bathroom.

After brushing his teeth and doing normal bathroom business, Phil walked back into Dan's bedroom but was surprised when he saw a topless Dan stretching, showing off his tanned, olive skin. He couldn't help but stare, he was gay and Dan had an amazing body. A cough, a faked cough, came from Dan's lips and Phil's eyes instantly flew up to look Dan in the eye. "I'm leaving for school in five, I'll be back at about three, stay up here or mingle with my parent with this," Dan placed a black marker pen and a sketch pad into Phil's hands. "See you later," Dan ruffled Phil's hair before leaving the bedroom, shouting at Adrian and then he left the house completely.

Phil made his way downstairs and awkwardly stood in the sitting room glancing around. "Phil sweetie, you can sit down," he jumped at the voice but soon realised it was just Liz, Dan's mum, and sat on the very edge of the couch. "How are you?" Liz asked, sitting a comfortable distance away from Phil. He popped the pen lid off and scribbled a response.

'Fine thank you, you?' Liz smiled her bright toothy smile. That must've been where Dan got his smile from.

"I'm great, thank you, here's the remote, I'm just going to pop out to the shop, shouldn't be too long, an hour at the most," the remote was placed down next to Phil and he flicked through the channels until he came across one he recognised.


"Mummy I'm home!" Dan shouted as he opened and slammed the door, he also managed to wake up Phil from his cat nap. "Oh and Phil! Philly I'm home!" Phil bit his tongue to stop the laugh escaping his lips as Dan came into the living room and collapsed onto the couch. Phil just raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. "School is a bitch. In case you were wondering," Phil grabbed the sketch pad to write down his response.

'Yeah. School is a bitch to everyone. Well it's not the school. It's the people /in/ the school' Dan shot up from his position and looked Phil straight in the eye.

"What do you mean Phil?" Phil shook his head and placed the sketch pad down. "Oh. Okay I won't like press you but if it's serious, let me know okay?" Phil nodded but he was lying. Obviously, things were serious but he wasn't going to say anything to anyone, his bully's would beat the living daylights out of him if he told a single living soul. Just another thing he was silent about.

"Someone's in lurvvvv," Adrian's voice came from the doorframe and Phil looked over to find Dan staring at him. Phil blushed a bright red but jumped when he heard Dan.

"You fucktard! Get back here now!" He stood up and darted at his brother as the younger one started laughing like an idiot. "Don't fucking laugh douche bag! I'm going to fucking kill you!" At that very moment Liz walked through the door looking surprisingly calm considering her eldest son just put a death threat on her youngest son.

"Are you staying for tea dear?" Phil almost laughed at the craziness of the whole situation but just stuck with a light nod. Her two sons were fighting, literally ripping each other's hair out, and she was asking her guess if he wanted to stay for tea

Was that normal?

"C'mere you little rat!" Dan's voice shrieked and got further and further away.

"Just admit you love him!" Liz didn't looked fazed, just continued to tie the apron that she had carried into the living room with her around her waist.

"AH! Not the neck! Not the neck!" Dan shrieked even louder then a wail escaped Adrian's lips. "Oh. My. God. Adrian!"

"Mum! Dan elbowed me and bust my nose! I'm bleeding!" Liz sighed and walked into the hallway where the two boys were standing.

"It was an accident!" Dan exclaimed and threw his hands in the air.

"Was not,"

"Was to,"

"Was not,"

"Was fucking to!"

Both Dan and Adrian stuck their tongues out at each other and Liz said one thing.

"Dan. Watch your language,"

A/N okay a shorter chapter today because A. I'm lazy and B. I wanted to end it there.

Okay so I got a hate message from someone (not mentioning names) saying basically that "I disrespect my fans and readers by not updating quick enough"

I want you's all to know that I do respect you and I /am/ going to be busy sometimes. And I know you get these people who update like every other day. And I'm not one of them.

But remember you get those people who update like once in two months and I'd never leave a phanfiction that long to update. I respect and love you's all so much okay? And if I was going on hiatus I'd tell you, I'd never just leave okay?

I swear I love each and every one of you's and if I could I would personally thank you all.

Till next time my lovelys

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