Chapter 3: Mistaken For Tame

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Nitori gasped as he was woken up by his own thoughts. He sighed and put his hand to his head and panted slightly.

"Noxtus.." He said aloud softly as he went through his roof entrance and started to swim towards his brother's territory,"Something isn't right I can feel it." Nitori told himself as he kept swimming, his body moving elegantly with the water as he entered the darkness of Noxtus' territory. He stopped as he saw a hint of red that glowed as it slowly floated to the surface, glowing ever so slightly.'Oh no.' Nitori thought as he started to swim faster, his tail moving up and down roughly.

Nitori came to a sudden halt to see a pale body floating above a sharp rock that was tainted with blood. Nitori held his breathe as he noticed it was Noxtus who spoke,

"Did you forget I was here?" Noxtus said in a dark creepy voice,"Everything you never thought to fear." Noxtus said as he turned around. His eyes had a crazed look and his teeth were sharpest as ever. His hands were covered in blood as they had cuts on them, like purposly made. He had a gash, not too deep, on his right side and his nails on his hands seemed to grow slightly sharper and longer.

"Did you mistake me for tame?" The pale brother asked whipping towards Nitori and grabbing his throat with one hand and lifting him up with one hand. Nitori froze and wriggled under the grasp slightly, gasping to breathe.

"Noxtus.." He muttered as the mad merman grinned, Noxtus lifted him even higher in the water, but then let go, letting the released merman breathe,"Noxtus, you have to get out of your state." Nitori begged as Noxtus tilted his head slightly in a curious manner,

"But then who will bring the pain?" Noxtus asked as he let out an insane laugh and tackled Nitori sending him againist a wall of rock. Nitori again struggeled as he held both of his hands againist Noxtus' hand,

"Brother let go." He mummered as Noxtus just smiled as he flexed his other free arm, the sharp nails clicking together,

"Oh Nitori, if only things were that simple." He managed as Noxus then lifted his free hand in the water and gently put his nail on Nitori's shoulder. Noxtus then slowly with his sharp nail started to carve deep into Nitori's skin from his shoulder to his hand, spiraling around the arm slowly, but painfully.

Nitori struggeled from the pain and wriggeled too as his tail thrashed about at the pain as he looked away from the blood seeping out of his skin and to the surface, it glowing,

"Noxtus, stop.." Nitori managed as Noxtus stopped at Nitori's palm and removed his nail from his skin. Noxtus blinked once before he gave a crazed grin and he opened his mouth as his teeth and gums seem to jut out like a sharks. Nitori looked away as Noxtus moved closer and closer to his eye. Nitori shook his head from side to side,

"Noxtus, please, don't do this." Nitori whispered as Noxtus closed his mouth and whispered in his ear,

"Brother, things will never be the same. Things will never be the same." Noxtus hissed in his brother's ear as Nitori's eyes grew wide. While they were wide Noxtus took advantage of this and jutted out his mouth like he did before with the teeth and all and sinked them into Nitori's right eye deeply. Nitori let out a yell of pain and tried to move, but stayed in place as Noxtus kept his mouth on it for a while.

Noxtus then removed his mouth with his brother's eye and the skin around it, he then swallowed it all as he let go of Nitori who screamed as he held onto his missing eye. His only eye was wide and scared as he could feel tears falling down his face. Noxtus looked down to his cowering brother as he said,

"The brightest red you'll ever see." Noxtus said with his glowing green eyes as Nitori held onto his gap in his face. He cowered as he looked up to his brother with fear and pain, tears rushing down his face and his face bleeding with pain,

"I hate you." Nitori said as it was soft, but then he repeated it with an eye full of anger and rage,"I HATE YOU!" Nitori shouted as he got up and stared at Noxtus who looked back at him with a blank face,

"Brother,things will never be the same." Noxtus said with a grin and plunged to the bottom of his territory with great speed, leaving only a light trail of his sibling's blood mixed with his own. Nitori stood there and leaned againist the wall and slid down it till he was sitting down. He looked at his bloody hands and frowned as he felt his tears coming down his face again,

"I hate you." He said quietly as he gripped his hands into fists and followed Noxtus down into the darkest of dark areas. Noxtus grinned as he swam, but then stopped once he felt something hard hit his back, it was Nitori. He slammed into Noxtus' back sending him colliding with a rock as Noxtus growled and flipped over and went face to face with Nitori, angry.

Noxtus moved his head to the side as Nitori went for a punch and Noxtus bit into Nitori's shoulder quickly before swimming away for a short moment and waited for Nitori to come and follow. Nitori winced at the quick bite and followed Noxtus until he was given a scratch on his cheek as Nitori whipped around to see a grinning Noxtus, bloody teeth and hands.Nitori let out a shout and gave Noxtus a hard punch in the throat which made Noxtus gag and hold his neck with one hand for a moment before swimming off quickly.

Nitori followed, hot on his trail, until he noticed that Noxtus was leaving his own territory and going to the surface. Nitori narrowed his eyes and started to swim faster until the two brothers both leaped out of the water and into the air, spiraling around each other as they punched and clawed each other vicously. They went back into a water with a heavy splash as Noxtus backed off from Nitori who was panting slightly, he wasn in no shape to fight. Noxtus narrowed his eyes at Nitori before he charged towards him, but then did a front flip, his strong shark tail smacking Nitori right on the head.

Nitori shuffled around as he layed on a flat rock and panted,

'I am going to die, I thought Noxtus would never hurt me like this again. I was wrong.' Nitori thought as he slowly started to get up Nitori saw a scary sight. Noxtus was charging at him with full speed with a crazed grin and wild eyes. He kept swimming fast as Nitori closed his eye to accept his fate, but Nitori then opened the eye again as Noxtus came to a sudden halt by Nitori, just inches away from his face.

Noxtus' had first confused then scared eyes. He looked at his nails to see that they were almost like claws now and covered in blood, he licked his jaws as he felt the sharp teeth jagged and soaked in blood. He stopped once he stopped focusing on his menacing features, but Nitori's. He saw his reflection in Nitori's big eye and how horrible and monstourous he was.

Noxtus floated there for a moment before covering his face with his hands and he sat down at the edge of the rock that Nitori was laying on, he kept them covered as he started to mummer words that Nitori only heard when he leaned in to listen,

"Monster, hideous, freak, ugly, deadly, dangerous, threat, killing machine, terrible, murder." He mumbeled as Noxtus kept muttering those words over and over again till he stopped on one,"Monstrosity." Noxtus said quietly as he repeated the word over and over until he literally was screaming the words. Noxtus stopepd as he started to pant and breathe unevenly,

"Brother." Nitori said in a hushed voice as he placed his scarred hand on Noxtus' shoulder who immeaditly moved away from Nitori, now floating in the water a few meters away,

"Don't touch me. I a monster, a monstrosity." Noxtus said with wide and scared eyes."You don't care anyway." Noxtus muttered as he looked Nitori straight in the eye,

"You hate me anyway."

Nitori eye widened at the words and they grew nervous and depressed,"I didn't mean tha-" Nitori started, but Noxtus cut him off swiftly,

"Of course you didn't. Don't lie to me. I am done with your act Nitori. Just banish me back to The Cage!" Noxtus hissed as he swam away swiftly and at gread speed. Nitori watched as his pale brother disappeared in a flash and left him alone on the rock. It was quiet, an eerie silent. Nitori sighed as he looked down at his scarred arm and shifted it, it seemed to heal quickly. 

"I don't hate you. I hate what happened to you."

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