Chapter 5: Cannibalism

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A small merboy swam around by a large dust cloud he created. The boy giggled as he played around with it, creating images and circling it, creating a small tornado and then destroying it. Noxtus was under a smooth rock as he watched the boy carefully. He had a small grin on his face as he licked his teeth carefully, curving around each one. He started to crawl off, but went back in as he saw a mermaid and then two other merpeople come out. 

Noxtus watched as the mermaid held the merboy in her arms and lifted it up and down, both laughing and smiling. The other two merpeople were both mermaids, chatting away. Noxtus blinked as his green eyes glowed in the crack. One of the mermaids took notice and stared at it. Noxtus stuck a hand with long nails out and slowly crawled out, exposing his pale body and menacing look in his eyes.

"Oh um sir, could you help direct us the West Patch? We seem to be lost." asked on the mermaids that were chatting as the others looked at Noxtus in surprise, the merboy eyes widened with excitement and exclaimed,

"You're The Oculis!" The boy exclaimed as Noxtus turned his glowing green eyes to the boy and tilted his head,

"Oh The One with Green Eyes, Momma told me how it was about the merman who became a monster through a special rock. Momma told me he was exiled to the Dark Part." The boy announced in a jumpy motion as the mother now looked scared, she was probably from the same clan as he was, maybe just a few years older than him.

Noxtus blinked at this and said a few words,

"Head down towards where the coral starts to grow, you'll find a merman named Nitori, my brother. He'll help you." Noxtus said calmly as the merwomen thanked him and he sighed and rubbed his neck,

"Man, I guess I'll have to find on someone else to feast on." Noxtus moaned as the whole group stopped,

"Wait did you stay feast?" One of the mermaids said as the other one said,

"As in feast on other merpeople?" The other asked as Noxtus turned to them,

"Yes and be lucky that even though I am a cannibal, I am not evil." Noxtus scowled at the group,'Oh now we know that's a lie.' Noxtus thought as the mother spoke,

"Should we worry about you?" She asked in a shaky voice, clutching her son. Noxtus shook his head,

"No. You'll be safe, but now I got a look on some other victim. Seen any?" Noxtus asked curiously as the boy blinked at Noxtus,

"Mamma never mentioned you like this. Kind and all. The whole clan used to say that you slaughtered others merciless. That you were a monster." The son said as the mother hushed him softly.

Noxtus tightened at the last word as he simply responded,

"Not all monsters are bad. Monsters are things people fear of. Monsters don't have to bed bad boy.Go now before I change my mind." He snapped as the four merpeople swam away to were Nitori lied.

Noxtus let out a sigh of relief, finally he can stop socializing and get on with hunting. The word the boy still bothered him greatly,

"So a monster, I shouldn't be surprised that they thought of me as one." Noxtus said aloud as he swam quietly through the water, blinking so often to see the trail of scents from animals and others. Noxus inhaled deeply as he stopped to see a bright purple trail of a merperson, not sure if male or female. Noxus then exhaled as he grinned slightly, a meal for today.

Noxus dove down slightly and followed the trail as he watched the scent from above, following the purple trail. He stopped to see a dark silhoutte off in the distance of a merman with an odd thing on his head, like a skull of a shark or something. The merman turned around to see Noxus staring at him. Noxus stared back with a straight serious stare. The merman had the skull covering his head and had a spear of what looks like it has a sawfish at the head of it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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