On A Mission

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"Will you just open the fucking door already?" Hoodie whispered in an annoyed tone, crossing his arms.
He was tired of standing outside in the rain, waiting for his victims door to open.
"I'm trying to op..en it. the damn thing won't b-budge" Toby said, twisting the doorknob and ramming his shoulder into the wooden door.
He sighed and raised his hands a little, only to drop them down by his sides then shrugged.
He looked over to the taller male in the yellow pullover then stepped back. "W-What are you waiting for? Shoot the damn ha-handle off" he said impatiently.

Hoodie looked back at Toby. "I thought you were gonna chop down the door. It's what you specialize in. Isn't it, ticci boy?"
Brian(hoodie) said making an angrily disgusted face behind his mask.
"S-Stop teasing me, this isn't the time. S-Shoot the damn handle off, Brian. " the brunette sternly whispered, scrunching up his nose.

The taller male sighed and decided to kick down the door instead.
He reached in his pocket and grabbed his gun before searching the house. Toby followed behind closely with his hatchets in his hands, ready for combat.
They soon entered a dimly lit room decorated with wanted posters. Books and newspapers scattered across the room. The goggle wearing man glanced around at everything. "Ugh, whoever lives in this dark hole needs to lighten the fuck up. I can tell they're under a rock."

"Toby we're here to purge, not give decoration advice."

They suddenly heard a shifting noise coming from the closet.
Brian and Toby looked at each other. The hooded man motioned for Toby to open the closet.
Toby gripped the closets doorknob and swung the door open to reveal a man sitting in the corner.

"IVE GOT THE POLICE ON THE PHONE!!" The man shouted, obviously scared shitless.
Toby growled and spoke up in a gruff voice "Fuck your damn phone". He reached out and slapped the phone out of his poor victims hand.
The man flinched and held his hands in front of his face before turning his head and begging for his life. "PLEASE. PLEASE DONT HURT ME. I DID NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS. SPARE ME."

Hoodie chuckled from behind Toby.
He stepped aside, Making himself visible to the afraid man.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Liu what?"

Toby and hoodie both looked at each other for a moment.
The hatchet baring man spoke up after looking around.
"What's with the newspapers?"
"IVE BEEN TRYING TO FIND MY BROTHER" liu yelled, still scared.
Hoodie picked up the mans phone and hung up the call before throwing it onto the wooden floor, breaking the phone into pieces.
Toby glanced over at his partner, then back over to Liu.
"What's your brothers n-name?" He questioned, squinting a bit.
"J-Jeffrey.. Jeffrey Alexander Woods"
Brian froze, surprised.
The goggle wearing man turned to his murderous partner. They could tell by looking into each other's eyes, were both on the same page and had the same idea.
They had to reunite him with his brother, Jeff. Or as they knew him- Jeff The killer.
Toby whispered. "Should we.."
Brian nodded. "Yes. But we have to
Take him with us. I can hear police sirens "
Toby turned back to the now somewhat calmed man in the closet.
"We're going to do you a favor, come with us.

I forgive you, brother (A Jeff the killer and Homocidal Liu story)Where stories live. Discover now