3 - home

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Wonwoo's POV


My mind had been clouded with the thought of him. On my way home I wasn't able to stop smiling, nor think about anything else. That was until I reached my house. It wasn't exactly homey at my house, pretty much the opposite. I unlocked the door and carefully stepped into the small house. The smell of alcohol reached my nose already then. I looked around in first the kitchen, and then the living room. I'm gone for half a day and this is what happens? I thought, making my way to the small coffee table in front of the couch. Surrounded by empty beer bottles was a little note.

'I'm off to Singapore. There's money on the kitchen counter. Recycle these too if you want.'

I squashed the note in my palm and walked to the kitchen to get a plastic back. Very nice of that grumpy, old, drunkard to leave all this mess for me to clean up! At least I get money...

Then I thought; This would be the perfect time. He wouldn't be back for at least a month. Nobody would worry either. Nobody would find out.

I walked up the stairs to my room, searching my pockets for the key to the 'emergency locker'. Something else, however, also got pulled up along with the keys. A note. I starred at it for a while before placing the keys on top of the locker.

'Call me or text me if you feel lonely, bored, whatever.

If you feel like smoking; p l e a s e hmu!

I would be more than happy to talk to you ^.^

*phone number*'

Okay... I guess it can wait then? Should I text him? He better not be a jerk then, since I put my plans on hold for him.

I contemplated for long how to start the conversation. After typing and deleting a lot of times,  I decided to go with a simple 'Hey' I thought that was the least weird way to start a conversation with an almost too nice and decent-looking stranger. Pfft Jeon Wonwoo, 'decent-looking'? are you serious? At very least he deserves a 'handsome' Damn, he had been blessed with those looks. I put my phone on the table, and with that, I went downstairs to clean up.

-time skip to a bit later-

It was quite late finished cleaning up. I had climbed up the stairs, totally exhausted, and allowed my body to fall sloppily onto my bed and under the sheets.

I laid on my bed, staring at my ceiling. Tired, but unable to sleep. This was just a routine for me.
The only thing I needed to be able to sleep wasn't here yet. As had god heard my prayer, a faint sound was heard from the window. I immediately stood out of bed and walked towards the window, opening it to allow my lifesaver in.

"Finally, there you are! Do you have just a tiny idea how much I missed you?" I said as I picked the soft-furred creature up from the ground and carried it to my bed.

After laying comfortably I began to stroke the fluffy, white, fur or the cat who due to my actions started purring softly.

"So cute" I stated, my words getting slightly muffled by the hand I was holding in front of my mouth to stop myself from squealing due to the adorableness of the gentle creature I had called mine since that day. She had been my only happiness until now.

so cute

'c u t e' I thought back to the chat I had had with the guy from the convenience store. He called me cute...

"Can you believe that, Bimil? He actually called me cute." I asked expecting no answer. "He is such an asshole for making me unable to sleep, though" I sighed "Do you think I made him feel the same way?" I starred at a random spot in my room. The only thing I could see, however, was his warm welcoming eyes, squeezed to be a little narrower due to the wide smile on his pretty lips.

Through the entire night, he continued to brush my thoughts like this, and sweep my sleep away. Thanks to Bimil thought, I did get a bit of sleep.

-end of flashback-

I got up and started walking away from the table. Never would I have thought, that I would end up going to the same school as him. I was a bit flustered from seeing him, as my thoughts flew back to the previous evening. I didn't mind, though. Already when I left the store, I set a goal to go back to the small convenience store, to see him again. And who knows, maybe even have a conversation with him. A proper one this time. One could only hope, but I didn't even think about us going to the same school. 

Truthfully, I did see him on my way to school and figured he couldn't live too far from my house.

This was amazing! I thought. I felt so lucky, yet so terrified. What if he wouldn't like me? What if I was too much of a burden? What if I was simply annoying? I definitely couldn't open up to him too much too fast. Maybe when I was sure he really wanted to listen. When I knew he was interested in me. Until then, I decided to put up the front I had the former evening. Simply to protect me from whatever kind of terrible person he might be.

A tiny voice in my head told me to relax, to have a little trust in him. It told me he was nice and wanted to help me. It told me he could handle me. But my experience told me that humans are wicked and selfish creatures. I decided to believe my experience, at least until the opposite was proved.

(A/N) If you are a bit confused about some parts, don't worry. It was my intention lol. Hopefully, you will understand later on.

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