Chapter 5

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••Martinus pov••
My feet was getting heavier and heavier.

Thinking about what happend.

Was it my fault?

Tears rolled down my cheeks.

My breath got heavier and heavier for every second.

Martinus: "EMILIE!!"

I started running and running.

I was at the hospital.

I runned towards the entrance and headed towards the nurse in the disk ( english on fleek )

Nurse: "How could i help you?"

Martinus: "Where is Emilie Vik?

Nurse: "Emilie is in room '21' she's awake too.

Martinus: "Thank you ma'am.

Nurse: No problem.

I runned as fast as possible towards room 21.


I knocked on the door.

I heard a soft "Come in"

I walked inside the room and saw Emilie laying in her bed peacefully looking towards me.

Emilie: "Martinus!"

Martinus: "hey! How are you?"

I walked towards Emilie and gaved her a hug.

I turned towards the nurse inside the room sitting on a chair.

Martinus: "When could Emilie get out?"

Nurse: "She's done with all her medication and blood samples so if she's feeling for it she could leave anytime she want."

I turned around to see Emilie's beatiful and pretty smile.

The lips i wanna touch with my lips so much.

Martinus: "Emilie? When do you wanna go home?"

Emilie: "i really want to go home now, but where is my phone?"

Nurse: "it's on the table besides your bed."

Emilie: "Oh, true."

Martinus: "Emilie? What are you doing? You know you can come with us yeah?"

Emilie: "Oh yeah, right. But Martinus? Could yoy just wait outside? I wanna get changed if you don't mind?"

Martinus: "Yeah, i'll just go out the room and wait"

I turned towards the door and walked slowly out.

I was so happy that she could be with us.

Summervacation(?) is over like in three days so she can be with us on school!

I heard a soft voice saying my name.

Emilie: "Martinus?"

I nodded.

Martinus: "yea, come, let's get out of here!"

It was a silent ride and no one sayed a word.


Martinus: "Emilie? You could come with us if you want to?"

I looked at her and gived her puppydog eyes.

Emilie: "I think i'm going home to my aunt. But if you want to you could join?"

Martinus: "yea! I'm joining."

••At aunt Mia's house••

Emilie: "What do you wanna do?"

Martinus: "idk? Movie?"

Emilie: "Yea okey"

Emilie went on Netflix and looked after a movie / serie we could watch.

After a while she found the serie "Riverdale" and we started watching.

••3 hours after watching Riverdale••

Emilie was asleep on my chest.

I smiled just of the tought that she was my friend.

I slowly lifted her up from me so i could get some blankets and pillows we could use.

I sent an message to Marcus that i was going to stay over with Emilie's tonight.

I carefully layed down and tried to be as quiet as possible so i didn't wake her up.

I layed down on the pillow and got under the same blanket as Emilie and i fast fell asleep.

Ik this sucks but i got so much homework to do and all that stuff so i'm so sorry.
I really don't have any ideas so please come with some❤️

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