Types of Authors (by Il Direttore)

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This comes to you courtesy of my friend and fellow author Il Direttore (http://gunslinger-girl.up-with.com/u1639)

This came up in a text chat.  I wanted to retain his thoughts, so I thought putting it here would make it easier to find, and harder to lose.  Plus, if it is of use / interest to anyone else, bonus points!


(It should be noted that this was all written extemporaneously, and within 5 minutes.  Il Direttore has an IB in English, and it shows!)



A technical writer is someone whose greatest strength is their ability to understand the mechanics of story production and take advantage of those for a given goal.


Technical writers concentrate on the execution of their story. In this respect, their stories do not necessarily involve complex plots, excellent worlds, or great overarching ideas. Their value is in their ability to make a story that immediately and completely consumes the attention of the reader.


Each story penned is a masterful interplay of sound and image and taste, bringing to life what is present and what is ephemeral in equal quantity and quality.


Excellent examples of this are Mary Shelley and Charlotte Bronte


Neither authoress makes any earth shattering philosophical or spiritual argument, nor do they have particularly intricate plot or world-building.


But simply reading the words they wrote is a delight in and of itself.



Constructionist writers are writers who concentrate on the world that surrounds the character and ensure that everything fits together, as the interplay between world and character is considered the most important.


The greatest strength of a constructionist writer is his/her ability to create a seamless plot and a vibrant and lively universe to get lost in.


Their stories do not necessarily end up being the deepest, nor are they individuals who necessarily know all of the ways to do something, but their value is in their ability to provide escape into a distant realm.


Excellent examples of this are J.R.R. Tolkien and J.K. Rowling


Neither of which have necessarily excellent prose, but create highly intriguing universes that spark the imagination.



Spiritual writers are writers who concentrate on a big, overarching idea and sacrifice many things to convey that idea.


Spiritual writers have great strength on captivating the reader's heart and mind. Their writing can urge others forward into fiery oblivion or call back the dead from the great beyond.


They do not necessarily have cohesive or interesting worlds they abide in, nor are their plot lines particularly complex nor intricately thought out.


But their value is in their ability to move the soul.


Excellent examples of this are Ernest Hemingway and Gabriel Garcia Marquez



 Truly God-tier authors manage all of the above.


 I have yet to see that happen.

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