Don't leave me...

303 7 0

Robert's mind starts too race...

"Maybe we move in together." Said Brandon as you held his hand

Robert shook off Brandon hand
"What about all my stuff?Or my houses back in Canada?"

"Easy, we can ship all your stuff here and we will see."

The truth was that Robert was homesick...of course,he love here but he just misses everything about Canada...

"Im sorry Brandon I-ii just can't,"

Brandon face was full of rage...
"I get it..
You Use Me For Subs Huh!?!?"
He yelled

Robert started to cry...

"No Brandon,I miss Canada,"
Brandon didn't care he walk in his room slamming the door.
Robert went to the door
"Brandon please,"
Brandon turn on the radio and put it on max volume
Robert pounding the door
Brandon didn't answer

"Brandon please!"

Thanks for reading this far like wow!I'm hope you are liking this lol I'm pretty sure the next chapter is the ending so thanks so much make sure to follow me :D and favorite it lol bye!

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