Chapter 20

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Third Person POV

>>30 weeks<<

As the cold September weather approached, so did the baby things. It seemed like every week, they were getting packages in the mail from friends and distant family members. They already had more than enough diapers and wipes, almost enough to last the whole first year! Not to mention, He had made a registry and nearly everything was purchased. All that was really left to pick out was the crib and carseat. Harry and Liam were both breathing down his neck about the nursery. He had everything he needed but putting it together and decorating a whole room...seemed like a lot of work for someone with a bump the size of a watermelon on his front. After expressing how he felt about decorating the nursery, everyone agreed to help with the conversion of the guest room, although Louis didn't think he'd use it all that much.

Niall, on the other hand, knew that if Louis didn't use it, he'd put it to good use, the good use being his own baby. Yes, he too was pregnant. 6 weeks. And Liam knew nothing of the sorts. He wanted to announce it in a special way, a way that they'd remember, a way that they'd be telling their children years from now. 

Harry was such a huge help around the house, especially since he forbid Louis from doing any "hard" work. He loved doing all the bending and cooking and cleaning for Louis. Catering to him was his love language. And oh, how special Louis felt because of it. He got weekly spa visits and Harry kept his nails manicured, even though that wasn't really something that he was into like that. Harry took him out and paid for everything and told him he was beautiful every day. And he loved him for it. He made life worth living. His life was truly a mess in his opinion but Harry made him feel safe.

The pair was inseparable. When Harry wasn't at work, he was with Louis. He even had some clothes and some of his belongings in Louis' room, sparking the debate of  'Was Harry living with them?'

As previously mentioned, he did have clothes over there and a few pairs of shoes. He bought groceries from time to time (only bc he can use his employee discount) and may have paid a bill or too on Louis' behalf. He spent damn near every night over there. And yet, they still couldn't decipher whether or not he was living there.


"Are not"

"Am too"

"Are nottttt!", Harry shouted, looking back at Louis as he sat on some pillows outside of the nursery watching him paint the room a light yellow color since they didn't know the sex of the baby just yet. Harry insisted that he sit outside the room bc the paint fumes were gonna be too strong.

"Point is, you have a good amount of stuff here and you're here every night. What's the difference?", Louis said with a big smile on his face. He was determined to prove Harry wrong...and maybe convince him that he should move in completely. He loved every minute he spent with Louis. He hardly cared if he didn't make this baby with Louis bc he loved taking care of him and his baby, even before it's born. And yeah, they'd only been dating for like a month and some change but this felt so...real. So much so that he never wanted to leave Harry's side, not for one moment.

"The difference is...I don't get mail here!!", Harry clapped back in a matter-of-fact tone, but adding a hint of joking in. Almost as if to say 'na na na boo boo'.

"...maybe you should. I mean, when do you ever go home and check your mailbox? I bet your neighbors probably think you're dead in that house bc of all that old mail", Louis laughed.

"Oh, ha ha. Laugh it up now. What I'm hearing is I need to make a visit home." Louis' eyes widened. He sat up.

"You wouldn't."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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