Chapter 9

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Liam POV

I tilted my head back and let the warm water run down my back. Niall kissed and sucked tiny marks on my collar bones and with his tiny hands, left fingernail marks on my waist because he knew I loved it. And it turned him on to mark me as his, since the nurses I work with don't understand the meaning of 'Taken' or 'Gay'.

"I'm proud of you for calming down like you did. Don't want a repeat of---"

"Yeah, I know". Niall stopped his actions and looked up at me. He made a kiss gesture with his lips and I leaned down and met his lips with my own. It was sloppy and wet from the decending water but it was nice.

I loved the fact that he was so much smaller than me. The way he stood on his tippy toes to give me a kiss after work or when he wanted to be slightly taller, he'd stand on my feet and giggle as I stomp around holding him in place. I'm so glad I have him.

Our foreheads rested against each other as we pulled away to catch our breath. His vibrant blue eyes were like nothing I had ever seen before I met him.

"Whacha thinking so hard about?", he asked, lathering up his pink loufa.

"You". He smiled and handed me the soapy loufa and turned to face the spray of the water. I gently rubbed the loufa over every inch of his back and double checked to make sure I didn't miss a spot. Then, I brought the loufa around to his front while pressing my chest against his lathered up back. I brushed it over his collar bones and down the middle of his chest, nice and slow so he knew my intentions. He tilted his head back on my shoulder and let the water dribble down his body. Meanwhile, I inched the loufa slightly close to his cock every few seconds and it had him squirming in my arms.

"We should probably get out now", Niall divulges. He leaves my embrace, my arms dangle in the air like a crispy brown leaf barely hanging onto the tree, being blown for ages. He grabs his fluffy white towel and walks into the room. What the hell was that? I finished showering and jumped out too. I grabbed my towel and rushed out, drying on the way to the room.

And there he was. On his back in the middle of the bed leaning to his right. He was watching The Vampire Diaries naked, his soaked towel abandoned on the floor. His left leg was bent at the knee and leaning over on his right, his tip peeking out between the two.

I approached him, unfolded his legs and crawled on top of him, hovering over him. He ignored my actions and continue to watch Vamp Diaries. I leaned down and kissed his pale skin, from the bottom of his ear to his shoulder. He still made no response. I leaned down again but this time, sucking tiny lovebites on his beautiful flawless skin. Still no response. I took his cock in my hand and massaged his tip with my thumb while sucking one of his perky nipples into my mouth. He was slightly moaning.

"W-What are you doing, Liam?" I didn't answer him. I stopped my actions and he looked at me. I lifted his legs and proped them up on my thighs.

I untangled his arms and took each hand into one of my own. I extended both of his arms into opposite directions. His cock was getting hard between us.

Out of nowhere, the quietest, tiniest, whimper of my name flowed through the air. If I was doing anything other than drinking up Niall's beautiful body, I wouldn't have heard it.

"Did you--"

"Yeah, I heard it". He nodded his head towards the door. When I turned my head, there was a crack in the door, small enough so I couldn't see his entire face but big enough to see the small tears falling from his eyes.

"Go talk to him. I'm not going anywhere"

I nodded and stood up. I threw on a pair of shorts and opened the door.


"When the craving start, they don't stop. They get stronger and stronger until..."

"Until what?"

"Until I crave something else. And the cramping and constant reminder that I'm going to get fatter and fatter isn't really helping. Not to mention that I'm doing this by myself."

"You're not doing this by yourself. You have me and Niall and you doctor and your family on your side." He chuckled through tears.

"No, you don't get it. After we eat together and you and Niall disappear into your room, I'm alone. When you and Niall go to work, I'm alone. When you guys leave on trips and stuff, I'm alone. No one else around me is growing a b-baby inside of them. It's just me here" More tears flowed from his eyes. I didn't know what to say so I just let him lay his head on my chest. I had no idea he felt this way. That feeling... That feeling of just the right amount of loneliness... Killed my aunt while she was giving birth. She just gave up. I don't want that to be what it's like for Louis but I don't know what to do. He's got no one. Well, he's got Niall and I and his family, like I said before but none of that's the same as having a partner, someone to be there for you through everything.

I rocked him and he stuttered in tears, whispering 'I'm alone, I'm alone' over and over again until he finally shut his eyes for the night.

I layed him down in his bed and tucked him in before going downstairs. I grabbed my water bottle out of the refrigerator and sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

I'm alone, I'm alone

Louis' words were planted in my mind, haunting every thought I had before. It hung from the roof and stuck to the floor. It was all over the dishes and on the stove. And in big caps in my water.

I'm alone, I'm alone

My hands started to shake and quiver, my grip on the water bottle failing. The words appeared onto more surfaces. They were now on the kitchen table and the countertop and on the top of the refrigerator. The room was getting hotter and the water bottle was shaken even more.

I'm alone, I'm alone

A pale hand reached for the water bottle and managed to pull it out while the other rested on my shoulder. A kiss was place on my jaw and kind words were whispered into my ear. But some how, those kind words were no match for it. Soft fingertips ran up and down my arms and the room began to cool.

It's me, your boyfriend Niall. I love you. You're not alone, honey. I'm here. I'm here.

The shaking in my hands slowed to a slight vibration. The words began to diminish into thin air.

I love you. There's nothing to worry about. I'm right here.


A/N: Thanks for reading! This chapter was particularly hard to write bc I kept relating Louis' alone sitch to my alone sitch. It's really hard feeling like you're alone in this world. I won't lecture you guys. I posted a piece of this chapter on instagram and many of you said it was good so thanks for that! The pic is how Liam and Niall look in this story. Leave feedback!






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