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Chapter 2- So relaxing

When Leah knocked on the door, I was right there to open it. "Woah, dude," she joked. "So, anyway, what do you want to do today?" I asked. She gasped. "Oh, I KNOW!" She said. "What?" I asked. "Let's go to the spa!" She yelled. "Ok crazy, you don't have to yell. That's a great idea. Let's go." "Hold up," I said. "I need to ask my mom to drive us." I got out my cell phone and texted my mom. She was at a meeting, but apparently it just ended so she was coming to pick us up. "She's going to pick us up." I told Leah. "Ok awesome." She said. 15 minutes later, my mom's silver Honda pulled up. " Get in, girls." She said.

* * *

When we got to the spa, I was pleased to see there was only a couple of people there. When me and Leah went after school got out, it was completely packed with about all the 8th grade girls. That was a nightmare. "What do you want?" The spa lady asked me. I didn't realize I was zoning out. Whoops. "Umm, I'll just have a pedicure." "Ok, and what would you like?" She asked Leah. "I'll have a pedicure, too." "Ok, someone will be with you in a minute." She said.

* * *

When our pedicures were done, well let me just say that is a five star spa. My feet felt like heaven. My toenails were hot pink with orange zebra stripes. What? I wanted to go neon. Leah's were a beautiful shade of turquoise with light purple flowers. I think both of ours looked awesome, and I think she agreed. When my mom dropped us back off at our house, we went up to my bedroom and started talking about how hard we thought high school was going to be. "Just think of the exams," Leah said. "Leah, I see your point, but you do realize exams aren't until December and school hasn't even started yet." "Yeah, but still." She gazed out the window. "Hey, I was wondering. Can I have a sleepover with you tonight?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm sure my mom would be ok with dropping us both off at school. But your mom would need to pick you up in the afternoon." I told her, just to make sure she knew. "Fine with me," Leah said. "Ok, so what do you want to do tonight?" I asked. "Oooh! Let's play truth or dare!" She said. "Good idea..." I said. You can bet I was already coming up with dares. Leah always picks dare. I always pick truth. It's like a tradition.

* * *

When night came, my mom told us we needed to be in bed by 10:30. So me and Leah decided to start playing truth or dare at 8:30 so we could have a good, solid two hours. "So, Leah," I said, already having the perfect dare. Because like I said, she always picks dare. "Truth or dare?" "Truth." She said.

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