Inspiration and no personal space

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I quickly closed my laptop, took a shower, dressed, took my books and all the things I need and ran to the classroom.

Fortunately, the professor was late and not there.

I sat down next to Knot and sighted.

"You're late."

"I overslept."

"I bet you jacked off late at night!" Bright yelled.

I kicked him from his chair.

"I'm not you! Pervert!"

"Ouch! This pain! It's too much! I'm dying!"

"Just die already and stop bothering us!" Prem said.

"I'm your friend, you traitor!"

"Yeah sure, just die." Toota teased.

"Shut it, the prof is here."

The lesson started and I looked out the window.

The sky were blue this day and I started to think about good situations for my story.

"Arthit. ARTHIT!"

I jumped a bit and looked around.

"What the fuck?! Why are you yelling at me, Toota?"

"Class is over! It's lunchtime!"

I was confused.

"But we have another class before lunchtime."

He rolled his eyes.

"You zoned out. It's already over, Idiot! Look at the clock!"

I did what he said and frowned.

"Shit! You're right!"

"Of course, I am! I'm fabulous! Now come on, we need to go." Toota said and simply pulled me.

"P'Arthit. P'Toota. Good to see you."

This voice.

I know this god damn voice!

"Oh N'Kongpop. Do you need something?" Toota answered.

Fuck, I forgot to google the nearest bridge!

I took my mobile and google it.

Why am I so unlucky?!

The nearest bridge is 5 km away from here!

"Arthit? Why do you google where the nearest bridge is?"

Shitty Toota!

Why don't you go away?!


"Anyway I don't care. N'Kongpop said he need to ask you something so. I'll go ahead, see you."

There he left me with a smile.

This fucking traitor!

I will kill him later!

"What do you want, 0062?" I coldly asked.

Keep it cool Arthit.

Keep it cool.

"I read the new chapters P."

This fucking...!

I want to punch him so badly!

"I sure I don't know what you mean."

He moved closer and I moved away.

I ended with my back at the wall and no way to escape.

Great! I hate my life!

He breathed against my ear and I shivered.

What's with this situation?

I could misunderstand that!

Doesn't he know that?

"I'm glad I inspired you P."

He is fucking purring again!

He seriously need to stop that!

It's driving me crazy!

"I'm sure you don't have any ideas for the next chapters P."

"Don't be so fucking cheeky 0062! I am your senior and you need to respect me!" I hissed angry.

He chuckled.

"I'm not disrespecting you P. On the contrary, I'm respecting you a lot and that's why I want to help you so badly."

I remained silent.

"We both know nobody can inspire you like I can. Just accept my help P." He whispered.

"You're so full of yourself 0062. I don't need- Ngh?!"

Did he just fucking bite my ear?!

The hell is wrong with him?

And why the fuck am I moaning?!

"You're so cute P."

"I am not! I'm a man, I'm handsome!"

He chuckled and licked my ear.

I moaned again and bite my lip.

I need to stop myself!

What's wrong with me?!

"Let's make a deal P. You'll let me inspire you and I'll do what you want. Ok?"

I thought a moment.

It was a win-win situation.

I could command him to stop to contradict me and I could overcome my writer's block.

Two birds with one stone!

At the other hand, I'm suspicious.

What will he do to me?

He'll just...kiss me right?

He will just do...normal stuff?

Pull yourself together Arthit!

Of course he will!

We're both boys what he should he want to do with you?

You're overthinking!

"Fine, I accept."

I could feel him smile.

"That's all I ever wanted P." He purred and licked my ear.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

Damn it, I'm stuttering again!

He chuckled lowly.

"I'm inspiring you P."

What's with this husky voice?

Why is this situation so...mesmerizing?

What shall I do?!

"You're not struggling P? Do you like it so much?"

I realized the situation, blushed and pushed him away.

"Stop playing around and respect your seniors! I could misunderstand your acting!" I hissed embarrassed and run away.

Geez what's with this junior?!

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