And Then His Lips Touched Mine (1)

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And then his lips touched mine.

"Wake up Doji" My so called mom yelled at me from downstairs.

I don't give a freak about what she says, so I'm just going to stay in bed. What's so special about your first day of senior year in high school? Nothing if you ask me. I hear Misa, my 'mom', come up the stairs and slam open my bedroom door. Oh God.

All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain on my left cheek.

"Get the fu*k off your bed!" Misa says, "I told you twice, and I better not tell you a third dam* it!"

I usually don't call Misa my mom because she's not my real mom.

She's my adoptive mother.

"And make your bed," She said while walking out of my room slamming my door and muttering something I couldn't make out.

I slowly get up off my twin size bed. Misa's too cheap to buy me a bed that I actually fit on. I'm almost 6 feet for goodness sake.

As I finish making my bed, my cheek starts throbbing.

I go over to my full sized mirror and just stare at my left cheek. It looks a purplish blackish color. I've always been obsessed about how I look and how I look to others. I start looking over my whole body. I can barely see the ¼ of Japanese in me, but it's still their. My jet black hair is soft and shiny because I used my Pantene shampoo that I love so much. And then I use my Dove soap because it leaves my skin smooth and doesn't leave soap scum on my skin. I have a six pack because I work out 5 times a week and eat my vegetables. My vibrant and piercing green eyes are my favorite feature on my body though. I'm going to be so self conscious today in school with this huge bruise on my cheek. I'm all about first impressions. Oh yeah! I keep some cover up in one of my drawers. Perfect! And yes, I know I can be on the feminine side, but that's just how I role.

I slip off my briefs and put a fresh pair on. I was having a "wet dream" last night. I rub on my Dove pomegranate deodorant. Next, I put on my kaki school pants and my sky blue button down dress shirt and then slip on my dark blue sweater vest. Then I insert my feet into my fancy leather brown shoes. I leave my luscious hair ruffled up because I look more attractive like that. I snap on my $400 dollar watch and reapplied my cover up because it smudged when I was slipping on my sweater vest. Most guys in my school hate the uniform. They say it's retarded and gay, but I don't mind it at all.

I hop into my black mustang convertible that I had to pay for myself. I start the ignition and drive twenty minutes to my school, Hillside Academy.

When I park my car, I get out and start walking to the school entrance. I'm thinking how everybody else had changed over the summer, because I have, considering I've gotten a little taller, I've gotten stronger, and my facial features have gotten slender than last year.

After I go to the front desk and get my schedule, I go up to room 306, my home room. Luckily I got their a little early to organize my school supplies. After about 5 minutes I sat down at a desk and just closed my eyes and relaxed. A few seconds later I found about 10 girls surrounding my desk. Everyone kept talking to me and asking me questions.

Annoyed I yelled "One at a time!"

All the girls stopped talking.

A girl I remembered to be named Araisu said "Hi I'm Araisu, What's your name?" She said with a seductive tone.

"Oh HI, Araisu," I said with an edge, "I'm Doji, you know from Junior year, Sophomore year, oh, and not to mention Freshmen year. Nice of you to finally know I exist"

Araisu seemed to be taken back by my outburst. But she annoyed me and I don't like being crowded.

"Oh..." she said, "I did know who you were, Doji, it's just that you have changed drastically that I didn't recognize you. In good ways might I add," She winked and all the girls giggled with Araisu.

"Go away please" I said with impatience to all the girls surrounding me.

They all looked offended and slowly walked away, but Araisu slipped a piece of paper with a number into my hand.

"Call me," she said with a seductive smile

I sighed and went over to the trash can and threw the piece of paper away. Not one girl EVER in my life I wanted to be with or in the slightest bit turned me on. I've somehow just given up on finding the right girl.

As I sat down, I felt someone staring at me. I slowly look to my right and I see a breath taking guy. His brown hair with slightly blonde highlights, his deep brownish greenish eyes, perfect body, not quite as perfect I may say as mine, but some what. He had a nice tan too. I was about to go up to him and ask who he was, but then the teacher was going to talk to us for a little and welcome us to the new school year. The part where I actually listened to the teacher was when he was going to introduce us to the new student.

"Class," Gokura-sensei, the teacher said, "We have a new student that transferred to South Korea to Japan for this senior year." I watched girls eye him up and I felt a jealous feeling inside. Wait... what the fu*k! I shouldn't be feeling that! "Tell us about yourself now"

"Thankyou, Gokura-sensei" The new student said "Hello, I'm Daiku. As you know, I came from South Korea to here, in Japan. I'm 18 years old, and... let's see... well, I love crab?" Daiku said.

"Haha. Very well. I hope you make many friends here at Hillside Academy."

"Thankyou", Daiku said

When he started to walk back to his seat, our eyes met and locked together. I tried to move them but it was impossible. I kept staring at him until about 1 minute later when the bell rung to signal the next class begins in 3 minutes. As I was about to leave, Gokura-sensei asked Daiku and I to see her. As we both went over to her, she aske, "Doji, can you help Daiku with anything that he needs or needs to know while at school, since he's knew and you're in all his classess?"

"Gladly," I responded with a smile to Daiku

I think I saw him blush a little.

At lunch time, Daiku and I made our way into the cafeteria. I sat down and started eating while Daiku got lunch from the lunch line.

When Daiku came back, I just felt, well, happy. I guess I kinda have feelings for him even though it's seriously hard to admit.

And Then His Lips Touched Mine (A guy and a guy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن