1. In The Middle Of The Night

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My dear little broccolis💚💚💚

~So, this will be a very short story. Three-four chapters at most. And be warned, the rating is due to lemons, starting the first chapter. Don't be shocked. It's just me. We all know I like to write lemons. Haha.

~ So go on, read and don't forget to vote/follow/comment. 

Love, Mina 💚💚💚


Chapter 1: In The Middle Of The Night (6,6K)

.~°~. .~°~. .~°~.

Clary's PoV.


I was sleeping safe and sound in my bed, when I suddenly hear a noise that wakes me up. I abruptly sit up in my bed, straining my ears all the while my insides freeze with fear as my immediate thoughts are that I'm being burgled. Isn't it ironic? Me, of all people, getting cleaned up? I thought that it was common knowledge among pity criminals that my apartment isn't one to be visited. I am probably the safest person in this city. The police watches out for me, the mob watches out for me, even the Feds watch out for me. A burglar as more chances in the White House than in my little flat.

You'd think that I must be a very shady person to have such 'bodyguards', but no. I am just me. I actually consider myself as a good and kind person. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong moment. I just happened to have shady acquaintances. Not that I knew, it just happened to me. Because I was naive enough to let myself fall in love with the blond criminal who stole my heart.

With all the cautiousness of the world, I take the iron baseball bat that always stays under my bed since five years ago; and with my heart hammering like a drum, I silently head towards the source of the unsettling sound, which would seem to be coming from my office. It's been five years since I've been there. Ever since him. Jace. Ever since Jace, I have never touched a crayon with an intention to draw. I completely stopped going to this office where it once brought me serenity, where him and I built so many of our happiest memories together. Where I drew so many things about us, where we made so many plans about this important thing that was supposed to be our future.

As I make my way through the corridor, I warily look at the slightly opened door that leads to my former office; and I gave it a slight push... Only to find myself looking through my old drawings to the last person I would expected to see in here. For a second, I thought that I was hallucinating. I mean, it can't be. I know for a fact that it can't be. This is literally impossible.

I stand here, useless and frozen in the doorframe as I watch him rumble through my stuff; and so many memories assault me all at once. Strangely, I can only hold on to the good ones. Like our first kiss, our many first-times, the first time he told me that he loved me, that one time when he almost choked on broccoli because I told him that I might be pregnant and when afterwards, he spun me in the air with glee and happiness. The endless laughters, the wonderful smiles, the fire-like kisses, the amazing sex. How many times did he come back home and found me in that very office, drawing my heart out? How many times did he smile at that image and said that he wished that I'd never lose my spark of creativity? How many times did he passionately prove me his love in that very office?

I know that I shouldn't be thinking of that. I know that I shouldn't think of him like that. Not anymore. He's a criminal, a worldwide-known criminal. He killed people just because they were standing in his way, just because he was told to, just because it was easier like that. He chose to mingle himself with the Mafia. He chose to destroy so many lives, mine being just an example among other. I shouldn't have my heart race of love for him anymore. I should hold on to the ugly feelings he brought out in me.

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