New Year adventure

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Today was new years and Elise and I had decided we were going to Japan.  We had decided sense I havnt been back home in a while that we'd visit a shrine for new years.

And Elise being Elise grew curious about Japan.  So he studied and got us all kimono s to wear.  I'm currently standing in the hallway waiting all dressed in mine. 

The base color is a gentle green that matches my eyes nicely, there are intricate swirls and flowers sewn in a slightly lighter shade of green and red. The inside layer is plain white but is very warm. The large bow around my waist was a little loose but was a bright red like the sewing on the top layer. My hair was pulled back into a small ponytail and I had a decorative comb of crystals in my hair. I put on some mascara but other than that didn't mess with makeup much. I needed someone to tighten the bow though. So I waited by Elise s door.

But he was simply taking forever. I tapped my foot a few times before turning and walking back to my room.

"Ruth would you tighten my bow please?" I asked turning around. He grumbled slightly but transformed to his human form and tightened it for me.

His plain black kimono had a light grey under layer and he brushed his hair but wore it down. I had offered to pull his bangs back but he refused. So he was simply waiting for Elise and I. 

After he finished tightening it... nice and tight.. I walked back to Elise door and gently knocked.

"Elise? Are you nearly finished? We need to leave soon if we want to walk around for a while." I heard a little fumbling before a reply.

"Chise I am unsure how to put this kimono on." He answered through the door. Rubbing my forehead lightly I sighed.

"Would you like me to help you? Some kimono s are difficult to put on." I offered.

"That would be much appreciated." His voice was slightly muffled through the door.

"Alright I'm coming in." I grabbed the handle and opened the door. Pushing it open I saw Elise's back to me. I walked toward him and He turned toward me.

Suddenly my face heated up quite a lot. His chest, neck, and hands were exposed to me showing off his lovely purple skin. I felt the immense heat on my face spread to my neck.

"I can't seem to secure them and make them stay." He says fussing with the tie. I shake my head and climb onto his bed kneeling.

"Come here." I said looking away. He walked up to the bed still holding the ties. I grabbed them from his hands and unwove them. Then spread his top kimono apart.

Pushing the sides apart I was greeted with more fine tone purple skin. His abdomen was completely exposed to me and my hands froze and my mouth went dry.

"Chise?" He asked me. I shook my head and looked up at him.


"Is something wrong?"

"N-no. I'm fine." I look back to his stomach and grab the inside layer and tighten it. His skin disappearing behind the thick fabric.

"You have to secure the inside layer for the whole outfit to stay secure." I said fixing and adjusting the fabric.

"I see." He said watching me. I took the top layer and wrapped it securely around his large frame, securing it as well. After adjusting it till it sat on him properly I stood back and looked at him. Seeing him in something other than his black robes was strange but it looked good on him. 

"There." I say satisfied with my work. I hopped off of his bed and walked to the door. .

"Now put your shoes on and let's go. We won't have time to look around if we don't leave soon." I explain.

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