Momma Tricia ®

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Previously on "Unexpectedly":

"Oh okay... MOM, ZAYN'S HERE & HE BROUGHT HIS GIRLFRIEND!" she yelled & ran away laughing. "Oh wow, I can't believe she just did that. That was so embarrassing" Zayn covered his face in embarrassment. "Aw baby, it's okay" I giggled pinching his cheeks.

"What on earth is going on here?" an older woman walled into the hallway drying her hands with a towel that hung on her shoulder.


She was gorgeous. I can see where Zayn got his beautiful features from. She was about 5'6, medium shoulder length auburn hair & light hazel green eyes. Her lips where thin & got smaller when she spoke. Thick Bradford accent just like Zayn's. Around her mascara applied eyes laid very small wrinkle lines. I wasn't sure how old she was but she sure did look good for her age. She was clad in an old grey sweater that hung off her right shoulder. On the sweater read "Malik Family Reunion 2006". Her bottoms were black Victoria Secret PINK capri pants & all black Nike slides. I see where Zayn gets the chilled vibe sense of fashion.

"Uh, hey mom. This is Catalina, umm my umm, girlfriend. I invited her to have dinner with us, that cool?" Zayn asked, lacing our fingers together. She crossed her arms & paced around me. I felt nervous & tensed up as I watched her analyze me. She stopped in front of me lifting my chin to look at her.

"Keep your chin up babe, beautiful girls like yourself should never have her head down. If you do, your crown will fall" she smiled. "Yes 'mam" I sent her a weak smile. "I'm not a drill sargent love, I don't need all that 'yes 'mam no 'mam' rubbish. But I love the respect" she winked. "Call me Tricia, or mom" she confirmed. I was lost @ words. I couldn't believe how cool she was being. I loved her already. "Thank you Tricia" I genuinely smiled looking towards Zayn & back @ her. "Ahh, not ready for 'mom' just yet eh? S'fine, I'll wait for it" she laughed. "Well, I hope you two love birds are hungry. I'm making baked chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, & cornbread." she rubbed her hands together. At that same moment I heard my stomach growl. I could literally feel my stomach eating itself. "Well I think that's my que to get back in the kitchen & finish" Tricia chuckles lightly. "I'll let y'all know when dinner is ready" she called down the hallway as she walked away. I heard a big exhale of relief from Zayn who stood next to me. "What's wrong?" I laughed. "I thought that was going to be a disaster. She actually likes you! She doesn't usually approve of most of the girls I bring home" he rubbed the back of neck sheepishly. "And how many other girls have you actually brought home Malik?" I crossed my arms.

"Aw, come on babe" Zayn whined following me since I walked away from him to go to the kitchen. Zayn's hands snaked around my waist pulling me back before I turned into the kitchen. "Forgive me Kitty cat?" he whispered kissing my neck. I smiled, rolling my eyes. I brought his face to mine, giving him a small peck on the lips. I pulled away from his grip turning to look at him.

"Aw come on, no tongue?" he pouted. "You would" I squinted. "Please?" he stuck his bottom lip out, closing the space between us. His hands were now cupping both of my ass cheeks. Whimpering seemed sort of a habit now everytime Zayn did that. But, sadly I couldn't deny that I enjoyed it. Who would've pictured Zayn as an ass type of guy? Niall looked more like one then anyone else. I felt my mouth pull up into a side smirk & basically collided with Zayn's plump lips. His tongue found mine & swirled with pleasure. I pulled away before it got to heated or worst, someone catching us in the act. I giggled turning on my heel towards the kitchen. Zayn's strong arms snaked around my waist once more pushing his lower half into my bum. "This isn't over cat" he whispered into my ear. I could feel his boner poking through his jeans. He let me go. I turned my head to look at him, sort of in disbelief. He winked at me & walked the opposite way you the stairs.


ok I know you're probably wondering where I've been well calm your tits bc I have a life so pls take 9271930173973455 steps back booboo. vote for semi-heated moment with zen & cat @ the end lolz. btw, if you have this book in your library comment so I can follow you & send you nudes *coughs* I mean thoughtful messages :-)

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