Part 26

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Nephele sat smiling,  in Rhys office, she was glowing.

"You look happy with yourself"

She blushed,

"Nephele I want to do a tiny experiment, it is probably silly" he said

"OK" she shrugged

"I want to hurt you" he said

She blinked, "what"?

"Not a lot, nothing life threatening", she was looking at him suspiciously, he noticed she was tugging the hem of her dress folding her arms across her body.

Oh no she thought he was making a pass at her.

"NO, No, not that, most definitely not that, I would never, I just explained it badly", he began to laugh. She realised he had read her mind about him being a horny Elf  and she put her hands to her face giggling too.

"So, how do you want to hurt me.? and why?? she was puzzled

"Just a small cut,  perhaps pinch you to cause a bruise and.. please don't take this the wrong way, a small very impersonal,  bite."

Her eyes were absolutely round, "a bite"?

"A small one, in a place of your choice." he coaxed.  "Has anyone but Kandomere ever hurt you he asked?" bruised you?"

Her eyes saddened, "No," she replied.

Then it was as if a light came on. "He hurt me" she said.

Remembering the night she did battle, many Inferni had attacked her with wands, daggers, teeth, kicks, she didn't have a mark, felt nothing. The dark souls emerging from Hell, some with weapons, she, Amenadiel and Lucifer didn't have so much as a scratch.

"Maybe somewhere it won't show, just in case "she said, she lifted her thick silver gold hair exposing her slender neck, here she said, Rhys walked up behind her bending towards her beautiful neck and was hit by the scent of Jasmine and Gardenias, to his horror he found he was becoming aroused. He stepped back,

"Its OK" she said "I understand, its an Elf thing."

He leaned down, his lips on her skin, she shuddered, it took a few moments until he felt comfortable to actually sink his teeth into her perfect skin, as he did she sighed, he tasted her warm blood in his mouth, he felt he had taken a snort of cocaine.. He wiped the bite with some gauze, letting her see he then took a pic on his phone, a perfect set of sharp Elf tooth imprints.

"I'm so sorry" he said, feeling he had violated her. She was silent, she had not expected to have felt what she did.

He took another pic, the bite was gone.

They stared at each other, "Nephele, I know there are more Angels, have you ever seen a fight seen blood drawn. ?"  Rhys asked. She couldn't recall.

"I intend to find out "she said

She had hung around LUX since midnight, it was now 3am Lucifer was  messing about on the piano, the last Blondes, still hopeful, she knew him better by now and, they were shit out of luck. It wasn't going to happen, she just had to wait for them to accept it and leave. Soon they were a alone. She had thought to just ask him right out "Can I bite you please", then it would lead to complicated explanations, with an uncertain result. So, she was going the other route, his enormous ego. He was slightly drunk and mellow, which would make it easy.

"So how come you are not home by now?" he asked sliding on to the bar stool next to her.

"I miss this place sometimes", she smiled and looked in his eyes.

Kandomere,  faces his demonsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora