Chapter 1 : baby !

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"Baby can you believe this ?" James looked at me with a wide smile once we came to a red light . " We are having a baby " James sang enthusiastically .

I gave him a weak smile a he began to speed down the rode again . A little to fast for my liking actually.

To be honest I was not excited about this baby at all . Me and James are way to young . I mean we where financially set ,being a though my dad was very rich and when he passed i was left 95% of his money .

Im only 14 and James is 16 .to say that I am scared would be a

understatement .

" baby ? " I questioned him as we came to another stop at a red light. He smiled at me with his foot still heavy on the breaks. " I really don't think we are ready for this baby."

His sweet smile turned into a frown and I could tell that he was not happy about what was coming out of my mouth .

"What the fuck you tryna say ? " he spat angrily at me . " What you don't want to carry my child ? "

" Baby no its not that , I love you and want to have babies in the future just now is too early ." I whispered as I stared into his colored piercing eyes .

Seeing my nervousness he grabbed my hand and looked into my big brown orbs . " Baby I love you so much . " he put his hand on my stomach and began to finish what he started speaking

" I love you and this baby . We have gone through so much this being one of the toughest but as long as we got each-other their ain't no worries right-"

We where cut off by big bright lights of a truck coming into us .

" baby watch out !" I cluched my stomach and curled in my seat before feeling a sharp pain fill throughout my body . The next thing you knew I blacked out .

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