Chapter 2:Infiltration

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I found myself from sitting in the base to sneaking through air vents  to see if The Samurais knew what was going on. I whispered to Jacob "Wasn't Raven meant to meet us here". That was when I heard voices it was Blackjack and Catgirl complaining about not seeing their boss in days. Blackjack was sick of arguing with Catgrl and decided to leave the room. That was when I heard a scream,Catgirl sounded like she was in pain and not just any old pain severe pain. Jacob made this the perfect moment to jump down and find out what was going on, we jumped down to find Blackjack checking out Catgirl's wound,he was holding a feathery like dagger. Then Blackjack looked our way we were sitting in the shadows but my costume gave us away he threw the knife and hit me in the chest. The last thing i remember was Jacob being shot by Blackjack in the leg and a shadowy figure which I think was Raven tending to Jacob's wounds I blacked out. I woke up from my black out to find myself back at the base in a makeshift bed with a bandage around my chest I saw the black figure standing at the end of the bed staring watching,waiting and holding something i couldnot make out what it was but I was sure it was one of Madmex's pistols. It was then that I woke up screaming I saw where Wills was and I did not like it at one bit it was an abandoned warehouse that we had cleared and he was there with the leader of The Samurais Callum. I sat up to see Catgirl,Blackjack,Raven and Acrobolt all sitting there waiting and planning something i had a bandage around my chest and could see i had been bleeding. Jacob explained to me that The samurais had no idea where Wills was or Callum. While I was blacked out they had formed a plan and my worst nightmare was real we had made a truce with The Samurais. That was when something happened and the world fell apart and we were trapped in warehouse with blood on the walls saying YOU DISTURBED ME NOW I AM TAKING OUT YOU!!!!!!Then we were back in the base  who or what was that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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