Untitled Part 13

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"Puen. Let's take a break." Coach Win told Puen after a tiring morning of routines and exercises. Puen just nodded.

Puen aided Than and they both sit beside while taking a break from the morning routine.

Than get his quenchers from the bench and drink lots of it. You can see the water splashing from his mouth to his neck and to his body. He is not just drinking, he is pouring water to his mouth, dripping wet his clothes that makes his body more distinguishable.

And there's Puen, just about to drink his own quenchers when he did notice Than's drinking prowess that makes him stop, look and observe. He can barely see the shape of body of Than. Every bump and every hump on his upper can be barely seen on the shape of his wet body.

He just blinked slowly and watching what is happening.

(He is the most likable person with this....)

Than stop drinking and waves his head left and right to remove excess sweat from his head. Some of his sweat wakes Puen from staring too long from Than's figure, his pump-able figure.

Than look to Puen's face and to his mind, asking why Puen looks to him that way.

Than pinches Puen's cheeks to wake him, seeing Puen nailing his eyes to Than.

"Are you alright?" Than slowly touched Puen's face and move his hand to Puen's forehead and keep his messy hair prim and proper. "We can go to the clinic."

(Clinic?) Puen just heard Than said that.

That's the only time Puen got to reality. "Clinic. Clinic?" Puen uttered while still look into Than's eyes.

"You look tired and you look pale. Is there something wrong?"

Then Puen realized that he's staring to Than's pump-able figure for too long. He slowly smiled fake to Than.

"Let's eat. I haven't do some breakfast."

Than just nodded and go to Coach Win for approval.

"Okay. Rest for now. We'll continue our training tomorrow."

They both escaped the facilities and go to their room.


The room where they stayed before the championship against St. Sebastian High was still there. The awry atmosphere gives the place a warmer feeling and makes it more homie to the players.

"Everyone else go out?" Than ask himself as they entered the room.

They walked slowly to their beds. "I think so."

Than get his phone under his pillow above the bed and sit on the bed. He just open his LINE account to see if there are some new messages from his family and other friends.

(Your younger sister got an award. Give him some gift when you go home. - Dad)

Than's face grew happier to see his Dad sent him a message like that.

The humidity of the room makes the feeling warmer.

Than feels hotter and noticed his dripping in wet clothes so he decided to pull off his upper clothes and let it clean some of his sweat by letting it touch every inch of his sweating skin. Every drops of sweat that touches his clothes dries up in second. Every movement of his hands guiding the clothes on his body makes him giggle. He has this very sensitive body that can be tease by anyone. Nobody knows that until one thing happened.

As he is about to raise his armpit to dry it using the worn clothes, he stopped, look onto the feet in front of him, slowly moving his head upward and see Puen staring at his pump-able figure, sweating some more. His skin produce more sweat, hi body temperature rises, his face grew more sweats. his feeling hotter by just seeing Puen staring at his glorious momentum. Than swallowed slowly, staring also to Puen, standing in front of him, afraid of what might happen.

Puen slowly walk closely o Than. More sweat comes out of Than's skin making him wet again. His heart pumps louder and his mind is getting blank. His hands are turning colder and just clasped the blanket where his hand is at rest before.

When Puen is about to be just distance away from Than, he stopped, lean close to than, moving his head closer to Than. moving his hand to Than's both hands above the bed.

His face is just 3 inches away from Than's face. It's getting hotter between these two bodies. Puen's hands slowly glide from Than's hands to his wrist, sweat fully wet, then to his arms, then to his shoulders.

Than is blank, don't know what to do.

Puen slowly turn more his head to Than's right ear and whispered. "You're wet. Can I charge you?"

Then Puen slowly back on his place face inches away from Than's face. Than swallowed again.

(What is happening? He might....)

Than turned is gaze somewhere. "Are we really going to do it now?"

Puen speaks softly and seductively, "Aha." His hands move from Than's both shoulders to his Than's neck, wrapping his hand around Than's neck. "I will charge you carefully, until you go fully loaded and you're done."

(I cant take it anymore!!!!!!) Than's mind is going nowhere He is in trapped. He grew more sweats and become hotter. He has no choice, Puen put him into a position like this.

Than suddenly kiss Than's right cheeks in second and lie his body on the body, leaving Puen on that position, suddenly freezes for a moment.

Puen slowly smile seductively and slowly move closer to climb to the bed where Than is lying down.

Than thinks that if he kisses Puen he would stop but it became worst. Pun slowly approach Than, climbing on the top of the bed, slowly moving forward on Than's lying body, naked, sweating, smoking.

Than just close his eyes for he has no choice to think of. (God, so help me God.)


Moments later, he feel the weight on the bed become lighter, leaving him there alone, lying. Then he open his eyes seeing Puen just standing there, looking at him.

"Why are you staring at me? WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME FROM THE COURT UNTIL HERE?" Than exploded.

Puen smiled. "I just... look if you're worth giving a try. I mean... you're hired!" Then he laughed so hard just like he' about to laugh like no any moment from his past life.

Puen lift his hands holding Than's phone. "I just get your phone, so I can charge it. I heard your phone alerts you that it's battery is slow so I approach you so i can charge it." Then he leaves Than still lying on his bed, breathing normally, normal and free.



"I will if the time is right. Don't think too much." Puen said as he is charging Than's phone beside the table of his bed.

"You bastard! i hate you, damn!" Than shouted and firstly go out of the room wearing new clothes.

(God, you help me God..)

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