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Do you know those moments, when we were children and we always would wish for the craziest things? We always wanted to be the most famous, wanting to be extremely talented and known. We always had that ambition inside of our veins as there was not a single care for what anyone thought. You could do the most outrageous things and still craved to only play more. Anything that you found pleasure in, anything that made you happy. When we fell we could get back up, and carry on with ease. Maybe a few tears shed, or maybe laughter would overwhelm us.

Though as we grew older, it no longer became a place we could play. You would feel insecure, and as you lost people you seemed to lose that hope completely. Each day you noticed what other people thought. After you fell, you struggled to get up. Just because you had no one there to hold your hand and pull you up. You had to learn to keep yourself up, as you stood alone in the midst of the stress and issues that overflowed inside of you. All bundled up and built up that would make you feel so low.

As your eyes looked up into the dark gloomy sky, you wonder why you're so useless and so unwanted in this world. Where only the sky was dull and grey, and the anxiety insides you only fill you up.

He was taught when he was younger to love himself by his mother. As her hands would softly caress his hair reading him those fairy tales that he would, later on, dream about. Then those dreams came crashing down in an instant. As a fatal car crash would only change his life forever.

The little boy stood outside his mother's graveyard, years later. As the winds were gentle and combed through his dark hair. Remembering his mother's soft touch as she cuddled him and kissed his forehead before he slept. A bundle of flowers he picked earlier when he was coming back from school. This was only the start of his misery. As the fear of not letting go only leads you deeper into a depression. 


He didn't know whether to be ecstatic about going on a date or just simply annoyed that he was going with someone that he wasn't particularly fond of. Well... it was true he did have a little bit of a crush developing ever since he first saw the male but he wasn't honestly sure about his own feelings at all. They all right now just a tangled web.

The ravenette played with his long fingers as he ket his glace purely on his lap. He was now stuck with a particular dirty blonde, driving the car taking them both somewhere. Jungkook wasn't sure where Taehyung would take him. All he was expecting was the casual movie and dinner but Tae was really just unpredictable. The ravenette swallowed his saliva, as his throat was dry. The car in silence as they drove which was making it quite awkward between the couple.

Jungkook could barely get any sleep last night, Taehyung's confession got him shook. He didn't know why his heart suddenly started pounding when everytime his words would replay in his head. He felt something tingle in his tummy and he didn't know what he was feeling. Though right now, he was trying to control himself from those butterflies lurking around inside of him and his mental state was just honestly just dazed with anxiety. His fingers being slightly sweaty as he continued to fiddle with them. The silence only made it worse, and he couldn't find himself to open his mouth and utter a few words since he was suddenly worried about how he would come off. what should he say? what if he just seems too plain and boring?

 The ravenette was stuck there overthinking every little thing. He didn't realise the car had stopped and the dirty blonde had already stepped out and opened the door for him. Jungkook gazed up and his cheeks flushed a little, noticing Tae was waiting for him. He hesitantly undid his seat belt as he got up from his seat, instantly greeted with the frosty air, that hit his bare face. He shivered a little as his feet paced along the pavement and Taehyung slammed the door close.

He nearly wasn't close to tense as the younger, yet his face was calm as the edges of lips lightly tugged up into a small smile as he observed Jungkook. He noticed the nervousness but was glad he even got this opportunity to take the lonely boy out somewhere, and at least try to win his heart. He was simply going to slowly pick up those pieces and put them back together. Taehyung placed his hand on Jk's shoulder and he tilted his head as he gazed into those dark eyes. "You okay?" He questioned the tense boy.

The ravenette nodded, and Taehyung briefly smiled before grabbing the younger's wrist but in a more gentle manner and started to walk briskly down the pathway. The hues of blue and black of the dark night as the younger was led through a gate.


A/N huehue ;3 vote and comment~

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