Chapter One

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  Bella looked fretfully at her sister, Briar. They were almost eighteen and they would have to be sacrificed to the ECBUH. Briar's brown eyes stared back. Why were they the ones to be chosen? What was the point in all of this? What exactly was the ECBUH?

"We should run away," Bella said softly.

"What? How could you say that? The village will die without our sacrifice!" Briar shrieked

"We don't know that! For all we know, the ECBUH could be harmless!"

  "We aren't sure of that though. The village-"

  "What has the village ever done for us? They've shunned us, they didn't allow their kids to befriend us! And for what? All because some stupid creature chose us. I don't want anything to do with this village. For god's sake, even our parents abandoned us!"

  "You're being irrational!"

"Like hell I am! You know I'm right!"

  Bella stormed out of the room. Fights like this weren't uncommon between the two. Briar was loyal to the village even though they were never loyal to her, while Bella was rebellious and hated the village. They were best friends and worst enemies at the same time. They were so different, yet the same.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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