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Chapter 22

A/N::: Okay so who thinks Hannah did and Average job? ME!

Xx Average? xX

Quiet Hannah you are NOT the author, you’re just the editor. I’m much more important than you.

That’s a conversation we had earlier. Just thought I’d include it. But really Hannah step up your game! Please like and comment and vote and stuff cuz I’ll love you forever! HOOPLA Okay now ENJOY

Chapter 22

I awake to the sound of the door being opened and rumbling feet. Everybody pulls up a chair and we all start to eat. When it comes to one, I stop eating and so does Niall. The rest of the boys keep eating. I stare at him quizzically.

“I’m full.” He mumbles, lying down in a chair. The door creaks open and the same nurse that was in here earlier walks in.

“There you are!” She sighs. She grabs Niall’s arm and pulls him out of the room. When he walks back I a few minutes later, he’s very pale.

“You okay Niall?” Louis asks. Louis is a lot of the times very loud and annoying, but sometimes he’s very soft and comforting. These boys are very confusing.

“Fine, I’m fine.” He says lying back down. When we are all finished the boys all find various chairs and in minutes, they’re all sleeping again. I close my eyes and daydream. I open them slightly when I hear scuttling around the room. Niall is searching frantically for something. He pulls a brace out of his bag and straps it onto his hurt hand, wincing with the impact. What is he doing and where did he get that? He surveys the room making sure everyone is asleep and tiptoes to the door. He does one last check and quietly opens it. He tiptoes away. As soon as the door’s closed I shake Harry, who is lying next to my bed, awake.

“Niall just left, go follow him!” I scream whisper.

“What?” He asks tiredly.

“Go follow Niall.” I say. He gets up and goes out the door. Now I have to wait.

I wait and wait for almost an hour until Harry returns. The door opens and in he walks, open mouthed.

“His hand!” He exclaims. “He’s getting surgery on his hand!”

“He said it was nothing.”

“Here, I have it all recorded!” He says excitedly. He pulls out his phone and holds it out in front of me.

“It’s me, Harry Styles.” He starts. “I’m here to investigate the case of:” He flips his hair dramatically. “The Missing Niall (Dun Dun Dun)” He flips the camera around.

He’s right there!” He whispers excitedly, pointing the camera to a blonde figure ahead. He’s heading to the- Oh no he’s turning to the (dun dun dun) surgical unit! I’ll go to some prime suspects and question them with questions!” He walks up to the front desk. The phone camera faces the floor. “What time is Niall Horan’s surgery?” He asks nonchalantly, as if he was a family member.

“12:30.” She says, not looking up. “Poor boy. Sprained his hand and sprained it bad. Would’ve been better if he’d broken it. I think that’s what the doctor is planning on doing, just breaking it and letting it heal like that.”

“Thank you so much for the info.” He says, walking away. He turns the camera back to himself. “There you have it Ladies and gents. I’ve solved the case of the Missing Niall (Dun Dun Dun) Now I’ll go show Callie!” The video stops and I stare at Harry.

“Why didn’t he tell any of us?” I ask.

“I have no idea, probably doesn’t want us to feel bad for him.” Says Harry.

“Bad for who?” Asks Niall, walking through the door.

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