I Don't Bite

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I'm obviously not a real vampire but I swear people really did question it. I never had to move out of the way of anyone, because if I was walking down the sidewalk, everybody would run out of my way, hell, some people would cross the street and walk on the other side of the road. People would always stare at me, never in the eyes though because of fear they'd see something. People couldn't help but look at me, like a really tuff motorcycle, it's really good looking but it's dangerous. I couldn't change my image of myself even if I tried. This is me, it's not my act, unlike Dallas who was just trying to make people believe he was tuff, I didn't need to fake anything or hide my emotions, I purely didn't know what emotions  were until my brother passed.

"H-hey Vamp." Steve stuttered pulling me out of my thoughts as I looked up at him.

He was always nervous around me, even though we're friends. Ponyboy is my best friend though because he likes how poetic my life is, and he is like my fresh canvas that I get to paint, and make him a good person, that'll matter, unlike me. Ponyboy is mine (in a son/ brother/ best friend way)... like Johnny and Dallas. Darrell is okay with me and Ponyboy, even if I'm a bad example, because Darry knows I protect Pony. Steve is like my second best friend though, because when he finally relaxes after being with me for a half an hour, we just talk about things, like cars and parties, but also deeper things like how his dad treats him and how I miss Dallas.

"What is it Steve?" I asked, as he stood basically five feet away from me.

He mumbled something inaudible. "Steve Randle, I can't hear you speak up and come over here." I sighed. Steve hesitated. "Steve I don't bite."

"Are you sure about that one? Maybe you could hear me better if you didn't always steal those loud motorcycles that screw up your hearing." Steve joked. I giggled trying to make him less tense, he was the only one that I would do this for, because we're friends and I didn't want him to fear me like other people.

"What did you want Randle?" I reminded as I stood up, and comfortably touched his shoulder. At first he shuddered looking at my hand but then he calmed down and looked over at Sodapop, who was observing like he was making sure Steve didn't do something stupid and I didn't rip his head off.

"Are you ready for work?" He asked trying to sound confident. I nodded and off we went.

When we got there, it was completely silent. Steve, Sodapop and I were sitting in the back room of the DX, and since it was never busy, we normally just played cars, and waited for customers. Once it was a Wednesday and the last hour  of our shifts, and we all got rip-roaring dunk. Now that was fun. I am pretty sure that ended with Steve wearing my pants on his head and me using his shirt for pants, while Sodapop tried to fix a car wearing his shoes on his hands. Nothing dirty happened though.

Soon our boys came in and told us to stop sitting around and to go outside to advertise that we are a friendly business ready to serve them.

"Hey, whoever can get a customer at ok be of these gas pumps first wins five bucks. " I bet.

"Looks like I'ma be five bucks richer." Soda laughed nudging Steve who remained unnaturally quiet.

"You in Steve?" I smirked showing off my fangs.

"You know it." Steve smiled back.

"And if you go inside your out." I added.

"Why?" Sodapop questioned.

"Because what if you call someone to come get gas?" I explained. Steve only nodded.

We waited outside in the heat for about 2 hours, listening to Soda whine about how he needed to pee. Finally Sodapop gave up and went inside. Now it was just me and Steve. There was only five minutes of our shift left. Then, a red mustang pulled up with a single guy in it.

"Hey there doll." He flirted. To bad I don't like socs.

"You need gas?" I cut to the chase. Steve was tensing up.

"Ya, I need gas, but I want you." He smiled.

In any other situation, I would've been furious, but I wanted to win.

"Maybe we could hang out after this." I assured kind of seductively.

"Sure thing." He grinned and handed me the money. I filled up his car. "Come in the car with me honey, I'll show you a good time."

"In you dreams, you butt-ugly soc." I snapped, since I already won. He sped off afraid.

"Well well, I see we have a winner!" I heard Sodapop behind me. "But it's almost not fair because my buddy Steve here, he didn't give up, and he didn't try to seduce the customer."

"I guess your right, so what do you want Steve?" I smiled.

Before Steve could answer, Soda chirped: "I think he should get a KISS!"

Steve blushed and glared at Sodapop, and then apologetically looked at me, "It's fine Louise, I can think of something else." He offered.

"No, if you want to." I replied. I always kinda liked my buddy but, once again, I am almost numb and didn't have any strong feeling towards anyone.

Steve looked up at me and grinned devilishly "Why not? Who would pass up on that chance." He said, trying to make it seem like he didn't have an obvious crush on me.

"That's the best punishment anyone can get for losing a bet." Sodapop said.

I remembered. This is the most evil punishment. I could end up breaking his heart. To bad I was already walking to him. Steve hesitantly took my face in his hands.


Oooooo cliff hanger

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