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after everyone went to bed i woke up the next morning next to Mac. We got up and got changed for the day. I think I heard them talking about another exchange.

When we went down stairs Tinus was on the phone with someone new.

"Mr.Gray, I understand your worries with working with Gunnarsun but I can promise you that nothing wrong will be done with your dear friend Mr.Clayton or Mr.Sartorius." the guy on the other end said something and Tinus smiled. "Yes. Sending someone in place of them will be just fine.." He paused and "Mr.Gray" said something else. "Alright. noon at Quimy. and please. Call me Martinus or Tinus is just fine also." After another second passed and he spoke again. "See them then Blake. I'm glad to be working with you and your cartel. goodbye." he hung up and walked over to us.

"what was that about." Mac asked him.

"New exchange partner. Father worked with him when he owned Gunnarsun and I wanted to work closer to the cartels father trusted." Tinus explained.

"It can't still be owned by the same guy man. He must be like a hundred years old by now." Mac told him. We all three laughed.

"no it is owned by his son and 2 of his close friends. I talked to the son and we both decided it would be best to work closely as our fathers did." Tinus looked at his brother with pleading eyes as if asking him not to be angry.

"we also have an exchange with Mr.Birlem and Mr.Gitnick. So we have 2 exchanges now?" He asked Tinus. Tinus nodded.

"Our exchange with Birlem and Gitnick is in an hour at Fantasia. we must hurry and if Justice and Molly are going we need to hurry up. " i nodded at him.

"I will go wake Molly. i think the only face she would want to see is another female who understands what she is going through." i said to them and they both nodded their heads. I walked to Molly's room and knocked slowly. When there was no answer I walked in and saw she wasn't there. I walked around her room. Suddenly the restroom door opened and out she walked.

"what do you want?" she asked me teary eyed. i felt pity for her but knew it was for the best. she was always bringing down Tinus's mood.

"We have an exchange and the boys want you to get dressed." I told her softly. she started to cry again.

"Okay. I will be down in a minute." i wanted to stay but something told me I should leave and let her be alone. i walked to my room and into my closet. I put on a short black dress. It had the sides cut into the middle. The dress ended about mind thigh and had a slit in the front up to where my panties would end. The back of the dress was also bare. I paired it with deep red heels. Curling the tips of my hair Mac walked in. dressed in all white as all the other exchanges. I quickly put on some lip gloss and we both went down stairs.

Down there was Molly. she dressed in a plum dinner dress and black pumps. Her hair was straight and and she had on no makeup. she looked stunning. Just beautiful. she smiled as Mac and I walked down the stairs together but her smile dropped as soon as she saw Tinus come down the stairs.

"let's go." Tinus said leading us all to the door. He was also dressed in all white. We walked out to the red corvet z06 and got in. the drive to Fantasia was quiet but it wasn't uncomfortable. once at the club we got out and walked right to the front of the line and right into the club.

The boys walked right through the crowd and to a dimly lit room almost like the one from last time. There was already a man in there. he had a case next to him and in the center of the room was a small table with a couch on either side. Mac and Tinus took a seat on the couch first then Molly and I were next. The large guy across from us put the case in the center of the table and turned it to Mac and Tinus.

Tinus opened it slowly and looked disappointed at the product.

"what is this. this isn't what I negotiated with Joey and Charles."Marcus sounded very angry when he said this. The man laughed at him. 

"We got bored waiting for you  so we had a little bit of fun." The man said. I looked over at Tinus and he was texting Joey very fast, he seemed very angry at what they got. 

"We aren't going to take this product. This is far less than what was discussed." Mac sounded like he was almost yelling at the guy. The guy stood up and looked threateningly at Mac.

"Quiet down little peep. Give me the money and we will leave you alone. If not I will just have to shoot you." The man whispered lowly. He pulled a small hand gun from the back of his pants and the small group of guys behind him pulled theirs too. They were all pointed at Mac. 

Without a warning a bullet was shot. Piercing him in the stomach. Mac went down with a grunt. he was holding where he was shot. I got down next to him. 

"Mac, listen to me. You're gonna be okay." I whispered, my voice was cracking due to the forming tears. Another sound of a gun went off and I saw Molly standing up. She shot the guy straight in the face. Without hesitation she threw another gun down to me. About that time Tinus came back in. When he saw Mac he pulled a gun and shot many of the guys in about the same spot as Molly shot the first guy. In the middle of the face. 

"Shoot someone or get Mac into the car." he told me. I nodded and helped Mac up. I kept telling everything was going to be okay and we walked out the club to the car. 

Soon after Tinus and Molly came running out of the club and  to the car. Tinus threw the car into drive and sped off into the dust. 

"keep pressure in his wound." Molly said handing me a small towel. I nodded and put a bit of pressure onto his wound. 

He put his hand over mine. His hands were covered in his own blood. I let some more tears run down my face. Mac reached over and put his free hand on my face. 

"I love you princess." He said weakly. 

"I love you too baby." I told him and he passed out. 

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