Chapter 14

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Ally woke up first, groggily opening her eyes to turn off the alarm that she doesn't remember setting. But alas, as she tried to reach her phone, the tight arms around her waist stopped her from moving. That's when Ally remembered it all,

She had kissed Lauren

She told her that she had feelings for her

Lauren likes her back

The smile that took over Ally's face was indescribable, and somehow she managed to reach her phone and silenced the alarm. Laying flat on her back, her smile only grew when Lauren snuggled her way into Ally's chest. Ally ran her fingers along Lauren's shoulder blades, just thinking. Lauren brought Ally from her thoughts as she began to stir, her eyelids opening and revealing her green eyes. "Morning Lolo," Ally smiled quietly, meeting the girls eyes. Lauren's whole face lit up when she met the older girl's eyes, "Morning Allycat," Lauren reached up and kissed Ally on the cheek, making the Texan blush, "How are you this morning?"

"I'm good Lauren, I'm really good," Ally grinned and so did Lauren. Grabbing Ally's face, Lauren crashed their lips together, both girls still grinning. "How are you?" Ally giggled when the two girls pulled away from each other. "Well let me see," Lauren pretended to think, "I'm excellent Alz, I mean I am here with you after all." "You're so cute," Ally laughed loudly just as Demi walked into the room, her hand covering her eyes. "Is everyone decent?" She asked jokingly, to which both Ally and Lauren simply laughed. "So Ally are you ready for today?" Demi asked, sitting at the foot of the bed. The pure look of confusion on Ally's face told Demi that she had forgotten, "Alz, you've got your appointment with Steph," Demi reminded. "Oh," realisation flooded Ally's head, " I forgot." Demi just rolled her eyes jokingly, watching as Ally turned towards Lauren again. "Lo, do you want to come with me?" Ally cautiously asked, this would be the first time anyone had tagged a long to her sessions (apart from Demi of course). "Sure Ally, when do we have to leave?" Lauren nodded, glad that Ally was allowing her to go and support her. "20 minutes," Demi yelled leaving the room.


The three girls stepped out of the car, thanking Max for driving them over to Steph's office. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Ally reached back and grabbed Lauren's hand, needing the support and comfort the girl could offer her. Lauren eagerly accepted her hand, bringing it to her lips to place a small kiss on the back.

"Hello Ally, Demi, oh hello, I don't think we've met. I'm Steph," The therapist greeted them as they walked in the room, holding out her hand to Lauren. "I'm Lauren," Lauren gave the woman a strong handshake, a smile on her face. Lauren had heard all about Steph during her numerous phone calls with Ally, Ally trusted Steph so Lauren did too. "So Ally, how have you been in the last two weeks," Steph asked as the four girls sat down, "anything I should know about?" "The first week was hard, I didn't eat a lot and almost all that I did eat I ended up throwing up. I just felt so terrible and sad, I felt fat and ugly," Lauren stared at the girl shocked, why hadn't Ally told her any of this on the phone when they had spoken? "But I met up with Sydney and Tori, I had a great time with them," A small smile graced Ally's face, "and I told Lauren how I felt, how I feel, about her." Ally looked up and caught Lauren's eyes, making the Cuban blush. "I'm guessing that went well?" Steph teased, already having noticed the two girls' linked hands when they had entered.

"Yeah it did," Ally giggled causing Lauren's heart to soar, "but I'm scared as well." Ally was talking as if she was alone with Steph or even by herself, talking as if Lauren wasn't sitting right next to her. Lauren noticed neither Demi or Steph seemed startled by Ally's out of conscious state, realising that this is probably what happens at the sessions. Ally's created a headspace so she could talk about her feelings without feeling like there was anyone there to judge her. "I really like Lauren, but I don't have a very good track record with relationships. I'm scared of being with someone after what happened with Will. I know that Lauren doesn't seem like that kind of person but I didn't think Will was that kind of person either." Ally took in a big breath, "Lauren, she's special, she always has been. I can't compare to her, not in any respect. I don't know how she can date me... how Will could date me... how Troy could..." Ally trailed off, Lauren noticing the exact moment the girl came out from her headspace. "Thank you for telling us that Ally," Steph smiled sadly at Ally then at Lauren, who was sat there shocked. Ally really did think that lowly of herself.

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