Bryce's stream, summarized 4 my own purposes

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- *bryce starts stream*
*Satt and Dracula argue over who he joins off of*
Satt, laughing: "HAH! HE JOINED MINE DRACULA!"
Bryce, clearly enjoying Dracula's misery: "You're a dirty bucket spiller! I'm not joining that!"

- dracula teaches Bryce the basics while Satt runs around slashing at things

-Bryce jumps off the ship purely out of curiosity, is very happy to find a mermaid.

- Everyone gets naked except Bryce, who missed the memo.

- Dracula: "And down here is the brig-"
Bryce, passive aggressively: "Theres no way I'll end up there, right Satt?"

- Bryce gets locked in the brig five minutes later. The others get drunk and vomit so much the bottom deck floods. Dracula also sings Bryce a shanty

- Bryce is very good at carrying buckets of water

- Satt hates the crying chest, keeps yelling at the others to get rid of it.

-Dracula sings many sea shanty, makes the others join him in singing to the crying chest

-The three lock the random 4th member in the brig for not doing anything.

- everybody gets drunk on the island and Bryce is not allowed to waste all his gold on clothing.

- more sea shanty

-the random shoots the ship and begs to be freed

-the game breaks, azn briefly tries to join.

-Bryce n Dracula go as a duo in a tiny ship

-a lot of booty and bad pirate accents

-game breaks entirely

-they have another "podcast"

- "Just keep your voice away from the mic. Like, keep it in the back of your throat so your voice sounds deeper than it actually is"

Then they go to dead by daylight, and the stream ends shortly after.

(I may or may not be starting a pirate-ish au whoops)

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