Chapter 1-Get ready California🖤

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Selena Pov-
So here I am sitting on our private jet on our way to California,fleeing those stupid sh*t heads who killed half my men and to make things worse I have my first job in California an hour after we land-Wait! How rude of me I forgot to introduce myself,well my name is Selena Salvatore,I am 19 years old,I am the leader of Mexico's most feared gang.Im also extremely sarcastic I'm surprised my sarcasm hasn't got me killed yet.Some people might know me as Spice because that's my street name for fighting and racing.I am the seductress of my gang mostly because I'm one of the only female except for my 2 best friends who work behind the scenes with computers and sh*t,they don't really like the idea of seducing dangerous men for information because sometimes,and I'm not going to lie the men get a bit touchy.

But anyway tonight as I said I have my first job in California and I have to seduce a guy who goes by the name of blade,he is the leader of a rival gang and is supposedly extremely good looking and around my age.If your wondering how people don't recognise me ,it's because nobody actually knows what I look like,I could be a big hairy man for all they know.My street name is Spice but as a gang leader I go by Salvatore.Enough about me anyway back to the story.

"Boss we landed!"One of my men called to me waking me up from my slumber. "Okay" I shouted back  getting up and collecting my luggage.I walked through the airport ignoring the lustful stares and wolf whistles coming from from some of the young men until I got to my car at the front of the airport where I was greeted by the rest of my gang including my 2 best friends Hailey and Dawn who quickly hugged me and went back to their places with the rest of the gang. "Okay guys Hailey and Dawn are coming in my car the rest of ye split into the other cars" I told the gang "yes boss" is all they replied before hurrying off to the cars and I jumped in mine followed by the girls.

"How are you feeling about the job tonight" Dawn asked. I laughed and simply replied "ready".We talked all the way until we reached our new home which was beautiful,it was massive. "When I bought it I didn't think it would be this big" I told the girls who were sitting there with their mouths wide open in shock. "Close your mouth you'll catch flies" I say making them shut their mouths quickly and making me laugh. We jumped out of the car and ran inside the conveniently furnished house.I ran upstairs to the second  floor to pick a room.After inspecting every room I decided on one with an en-suite,a walk in wardrobe and a balcony with a view of the beach. After choosing my room I brought my many suitcases upstairs and told the girls I was going for a shower,although they were 2 busy stuffing their faces with Oreos and Cheetos that they had found in a cabinet in the kitchen to care.I quickly grabbed a towel and a pair of lacy black under wear before turning the shower and stepping in.I washed my hair with an apple scented shampoo and used a matching body wash, after that I was finished so I dried myself off with a towel,pulled on my underwear and dried my hair.Just as I finished drying my hair Hailey walked in and told me the rest of the gang had arrived and were waiting in the kitchen,so I pulled on a pair of grey joggers and stayed in my bra.When I walked into the kitchen all of the men's eyes shifted to my chest which I probably should of expected,the men in our gang age range went from 16 to 28 . They quickly raised their heads to look at my face when I said "my eyes are here''.We then talked about our mission and how we were going to set up,when we were finished I realised I only had a half an hour left to get ready.

I ran upstairs and straightened my hair,applied my signature red lipstick, applied mascara to my seriously long eyelashes and squeezed into a tight,short,black,strapless dress that only reached below my f*cking ass and showed off a lot of cleavage,I then pulled on a pair of 6 inch black heels.I stood back and looked in the mirror and thought to myself "we are completing our mission tonight".

................................................................ Okay guyzz and galzz that was the first chapter of "Gang Leader's Game🖤" kinda short (they will get longer hopefully🤞) hope you liked it💕💕

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