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Song for chapter: Told Ya So by Get Scared

It's not right what they did to you.

Shivering I look down at my phone once again reading the text. Quickly replying I type: Who is this?

After getting no response I glance up at the crowd of students in front of me. Fingers typing across the little keyboard of my cheap phone I send: Who is this?

Never mind that small fact Sweetie.

I don't appreciate nicknames from strangers.

Why does my Sweetheart not like it?

First off I'm not your anything and that nickname is no different.

Irritated are we?

Shaking my head I shove my phone back into my bag before standing up from the bench. Walking back to my dorm I'm met with a messy room. Clothes thrown across the floor and Running my fingers though my black hair I groan out, "I'm gonna kill you Sara! What have I told you about messing up our room?"

A light laugh echos from the open bathroom door. A messy of blonde hair peeks her head out while giving me a cheeky smile.

"Aw, Scar. You know you love me!" Shaking my head at her words I give her a small smile. She always reminds me of my younger sister-

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

Shutting the door behind me I walk over to my bed. Pushing the clothes off I set my bad down while taking off my ratty vans. It's silent before I ask, "So where are you going tonight?"
"A party. Oh! I have the best idea ever. You should come with me!"

Raising an eyebrow I look her in the eyes.

"Please Scar!"

"Sara you know that I-"

"-don't like parties because of the crowds and the drunk young adults who still act like teenagers despite the fact that we're all in collage now." Slipping back into the bathroom she continues to get ready for her party.

"I've heard that speech plenty of times before. Please come, just this once? You don't even have to stay the whole time. I just need a wing-women."

"Hmm. I don't know. Who are you going after now?"

"Aiden Smith."

"The I-was-at-juve-for-most-of-my-teenage-years  Aiden Smith?"

"He wasn't-"

"You don't know that Sara. I think that you should stay away from him."

Letting out a sigh she mutters, "Whatever."

I know that if I don't go with her then there's doubt that she's find Aiden and make some sort of move on him. But if I am with her I can stop that from happening. Biting my lip I look to my roommate fixing her hair with a curler. I can protect her like I wasn't able do for Cierra.

Standing up I walk into the bathroom. Meeting Sara's blue eyes I take a breath before informing of my choice.

"I'm coming with you tonight."

Her eyes light up as she turns around and quickly hugs me. All the while burning me in the process. Letting out a yelp while shoving her away I exclaim, "Ouch, what the hell was that for?"

She only laughs before shoving me in the direction of the closest. Looking down my clothes I know that Sara will force me into something different than jeans, a red hoodie and a (ratty) pair of vans. Shaking my head I start sorting through the clothes.
"How much further are we from this party?" I ask once again pulling at the uncomfortably short dress. My fingers tug at the red material as Sara pulls off to the side of the road.

"By the address it should be right up here..." Setting her phone down I watch as she takes off once again down the dirt road surrounded by trees. There's nobody that we're gonna end up dead out here. I can picture it now. Two college students go missing only to be found dead a week later.

Shaking away the thought I watch as a mansion appears in our line of sight. Suddenly I feel the breath leave my lungs as I realize who lives here. I'm so screwed....

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