Chapter 5

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It's a little short but I wanted to keep my promise to you all and upload. Please enjoy, ly all xx

"Owww", I groaned as I tried to sit up waking up from a deep drunken sleep.

I close me eyes re-wrapping my duvet around my head. I wasn't a morning person without a hang over so with a hangover I could not function at all.

I re woke about an hour later to hear voices upstairs. Luckily I only had a headache and felt sick now so I decided to have a shower then get some paracetamol.

Clambering out of bed, I managed to get to the toilet before being sick.

"Lovely", I said to myself grabbing the mint mouthwash swirling it around my mouth ridding the taste of hangover vomit.

I stripped before jumping into my shower and cleansing myself of the alcoholic smell I reeked of.

Finally clean and fresh I lazily put on the easiest outfit I had which was a white 5SOS tank top with a dark red skater skirt.

The 5SOS obsession came from Harry always sending me loads of their merch and demos and telling me to get people to listen to them when they first discovered them and asked them to be OneDirections support act. From then I listen to them a lot, partly because its rock-pop which I love.

Hearing a Male voice and Harry celebrating something I assumed it was either Shaun or one of Harry's not-celebrity mates so I didn't have to bother about my appearance putting my hair into a messy bun and not putting on any make-up.

My headache didn't seem to be going away so I decided to get some paracetamol from the kitchen so that I could manage Harry and his mate who I'm guessing were going to continue being loud.

Coming up the final step from my room I saw that in the living room-which is attached to the kitchen and the stairs to my bedroom- they're were 4 boys plus my brother all with X-Box controllers playing Fifa. I could only see their heads over the sofa and the one with blonde hair was trying to put Harry off by messing his hair up.

I laughed as Harry was getting really distracted by having his hair pushed from its gelled state into his face. He was trying to concentrate on the game whilst re-arranging his hair.

As I laughed, Harry paused the game and turned around.

"Oh, umm, hey Lay", he stuttered.

"Hey", I waved at the five boys looking over the sofa at me.

"Hi", they all waved back with grins. Pain shot through my head and I remembered that I hadnt taken paracetamol so I rotated on my heels and not wanting to show my hangover grabbed some quickly and went to the bathroom.

"Is that another girl Harry"

"you get angry when you get called these names but you haven't even mentioned her to us before sleeping with her"

"does she know your a player, Harry she's really pretty and looks genuine"

A chorus of boys voices rang out as I left the room. Deciding, I didn't really enjoy were the topic was leading I carried on to the bathroom locking the door behind me.

Aftee finishing in the bathroom I headed to my bedroom for my phone so I could text Harry to see how he got out of that. I wandered if he would actually tell the truth and if he trusted those four lads more than he trusted anyone else outside family?

They were no longer in the living room when I headed back to my bedroom but could faintly hear voices and I assumed they were either upstairs or in the bathroom.

I found my phone still in my bag from last night with 3 missed calls and 10 texts.

3 texts were from Hannah:

'Heyy xxx'

'Guess who I talked to last night??? :D xxx'

'What happened, I didn't see you after the incident? xxx'

1 was from Shaun:

'hey Lay, how are you feeling? You're probably in bed with a hangover at the moment so go back to sleep if this has woken you up sorry :) x'

3 were from Harry along with the missed calls:

'Lay, im leaving you in bed because im guessing you've got a hangover :) xx'

'the lads are coming around (the 1D boys) so if it's okay can you text me if you wake up and are gonna leave your bedroom, thanks x'

'Told the boys your were a second cousin, hope that's okay I'm just not ready to tell the truth, they're close to me and I don't wanna lose their trust, hope you understand xx'

I understood perfectly as I had come to preferring to deny we were related whenever I get people asking me about Harry because of my last name. I want to be treated normally not famous just because my brother's in a boyband. I don't want fake friends and my two closest friends I have known since I was about 2 through family so they have always known about Harry and understand my need to keep it a secret and still see Harry as the slightly older boy who would chase us round as we screamed and play hide'n'seek with us. Also he was Hannahs first crush which I always have found cute even if she thought I would be disgusted when she told me at the age of 5. Also I can tell she has liked him a bit ever since, even if she denies it.

I turned on my laptop sitting down cross legged infront of it I returned to my phone and replied to Harry,

'Its fine :), I understand and I can't believe I didn't reconise them as 1D when I saw them haha xx'

Then I texted Hannah back asking who and it's all sorted and Shaun that he didn't wake me up and that I feel fine apart from the hangover.

When my laptop had finally turned on, I clicked Youtube and started watching Tyler Oakley videos.

A knock on my door interrupted Tylers burn book video and I called out that they could come in.

"Hi, I, well we all, wondered if you would, if you want to come to Nando's with us", Niall stuttered.

Smiling up at him, finding him adorable, I answered; "yeah sure I'd love too, give me 2 minutes."

"Okay, see you in a minute", he said closing the door.

Deciding as I was actually going out of the house, I put foundation, black eyeliner and mascara on with a pale pink lipstick on and took my hair out from the messy bun and brushed it taming it's messiness before pinning my fringe back.

I grabbed my phone and headed upstairs.

"I didn't wanna leave you out considering your love of Nandos", Harry joked as I met them all in the living room.

"Okay, thanks, by the way, I'm Layla and I'm Harrys second cousin", I addressed them all trying to help Harrys, thankfully believable, lye.

"okayy, let's go eat Nandos then", Niall said jumping and running to the door.

"Well, I'm not going to argue with that", I agreed following him to the door.

The other boys all laughed before following us.

"What are we doing about transport?", I asked as I opened the door.

"Well, because I thought why not", Harry started but was interrupted by my gasp.

The Styles' SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora