Chapter 10

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"I've got an awful hangover though", Harry moaned.

"I'm gonna kill management", Louis replied.

"What's going on", I chirped in looking at all the boys miserable and angry faces as we walked back into the living room.

"Management just called; they want us to add a date to the tour that we just finished", Liam said.

"That's not so bad is it? I thought you loved performing.", I asked.

"Not when it's tonight!", Harry stated running his hand through his messy hair in frustration.

"Oh", Hannah and I said as realisation hit us.

"You can come if you like and the other lads will also be there", Harry said to us both. Hannah and I looked at each other before nodding.

"Yeah sure thanks, and I can meet 5 Seconds Of Summer yay", I said probably getting too excited. I really liked their music but I wasn't really into the 'stalking them' side so it would be cool to meet them and see what their like.

"We have like 5 hours till rehearsals and the stadiums like an hour away!", Zayn said grabbing all his belongings and shoving them into his Adidas rucksack.

"Right, why don't we have an hour here to tidy up then go to Starbucks and give you all coffee to sober you up and we can get lunch there", I said organising the 5 panicky lads who obviously knew nothing about being short of time. Well it's not like they've been to school for a few years; I guess they forgot how to handle situations like this.

"Okayy", they all agreed whilst frantically trying to tidy up.

"Do you want some breakfast?", I asked Hannah as we walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, can I have some toast please", he answered.

"Yeah, sure", I said getting out the bread and cooking us both some toast.

"Are 5 Seconds Of Summer that band that you have all the merch for from Harry who do that punk pop type music?", Hannah asked.

"Yeah, finally I can see them perform live", I said excitedly. She replied back with a big smile getting her phone out of her pocket.

"How are we going to get to Starbucks, we only have one car and there's none of us?", Hannah asked thoughtfully bringing us out of the silence as we munched on our toast and tapped on our phones.

"Oh, yeah. We can't order a taxi, it's not worth the hassle because they take ages", I replied.

"Why don't I ask Shaun?", Hannah said retaking her phone from her shorts pocket. Her outfit consisted of high waisted light jean shorts with gold zipped pockets and a white lacy crop top which was very Hannah.

"Okayy, sure. He hasn't had a proper catch up with Harry yet", I answered. Harry and Shaun had become close when I came to about 13 because at that age my protective brother thought every boy I knew wanted to get with me just because it was the age where he had started wanting to get with nearly every attractive girl. Harry had started tagging along with us when we went places like the beach because he said he wanted to get to know Shaun as he assumed because we were so close that evidently it mean that we would date which did and still seems so wrong considering that Shaun feels like a brother too me.

"He says he will be round in half an hour and he's looking forward to seeing what all the girls at school are obsessed with.", Hannah replied laughing as she read it.

"Shaun would totally approve of Harry aswell, it's perfect", I gushed getting excited about the thought of Hannah and Harry dating.

"What ever", she blushed.

"Watch out, you'll have both Shaun and Harry watching over you as you flirt away with Liam", she giggled.

"Makes it even funner, I can annoy both of them. I might just flirt with all the lads too annoy them both", I said loving the idea of winding them up.

"Hey Shaun, what's up?", Harry said whilst still trying to tidy the living room as we walk in.

"Hey Harry, I'm good, you? Hannah called and invited me for like breakfast or something and mentioned the rest of the band", Shaun replied casually having the complete opposite reaction to his twin.

"Yeah, right. Liam and Niall this is Shaun, Layla's friend and ,Hannah's brother and Shaun this is Liam and Niall by band mates. The others are using the bathrooms", Harry introduces everyone.

Liam and Niall both greet Shaun before continuing to tidy the living room which has popcorn and sleeping bags everywhere.

"Where are we going for breakfast then?", Shaun asks clearly hungry.

"Oh, Starbucks and it's kinda lunch too I guess as it's 11am already", I reply.

"Okay, cool", Shaun replies.

"So, have you been up to much?", Harry asks Shaun as he finishes tidying up and joins us on the sofa.

"Just college and the lake really I suppose", he replies.

"Cool, so you found a girlfriend yet mate", Harry nudges Shaun playfully.

"Uhh, nope not yet. What about you? Must have all the girls throwing themselves at ya", Shaun says laughing and Hannah blushes; luckily not to obviously but I nudge her slightly and she gets her phone out probably trying to distract herself from the conversation subject.

"Nah, me neither mate and I suppose but it's not like I personally know them so it's not the same like a girl liking you for you not just because your in a band", Harry replies honestly and quite truthfully for him.

"Oh, okay", Shaun replies obviously not expecting that answer.

"Starbucks time", I sang jumping from my seat.

"Starbucks?", Louis asked as he had entered the room with Zayn and neither of them had any idea what the days plan was.

"We're going to Starbucks for lunch", Niall addressed them both.

"Okayy, fine by me", Louis said picking up his phone and wallet from the coffee table.

"Let's go, I need coffee", I said picking up my keys from the bowl and walking to the door with everyone following.

"Who's gonna go in each car?", Louis asked as Shaun hopped into his car.

"One of you guys could come with us and the rest with Harry", I suggested.

"I'll go with you", Liam smiled.

"Okay sorted, let's go", i said getting into Shauns car. Hannah, and I can tell it was deliberately,called shotgun leaving Liam to sit next to me.

On the way, we ended up discussing music taste as Shaun is into punk rock music which he never shuts up about then i started talking about 5 seconds of summer and Liam joined in saying how nice they were and Hannah inputed talking about OneDirection with Liam explaining song meanings to her.

"A large mocha and cheese panini please", I said to the guy behind the counter impatiently as I really needed my coffee.

"If you take a seat we will bring it over", he answered after taking my money.

"Thanks, i will be in the corner with those guys", i said pointing to where the lads were all sitting at the back while me and Hannah came to order as they didnt all want to come up at once because it would make it worse if they were spotted. Luckily this Starbucks neever seems to be busy; it's down a little lane in the high street and Harry has a quite route he learnt to take from the carpark just after the X-Factor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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