Chapter 10

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41. Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

Chuck yawned, running a hand over his face before he forced his eyes open. He frowned when he realized it was still dark and tried to figure out what had awoken him in the early hours of the morning. Then he heard a rustling sound behind him and rolled over. As if sensing his eyes on her, Sarah looked up from where she was hunched down next to the bed.

"Sorry," she whispered with a grimace. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay," Chuck replied, his voice still heavy with sleep. He pushed up onto both elbows and frowned. "Don't you ever sleep?" A quick glimpse at the alarm clock on her side of the bed told him that it was barely past four.

"I used to," she mumbled as she tied her shoe.

Chuck heard, but decided to ignore the remark. Sarah seemed a bit grumpy, like she wasn't really a morning person. That just made it more odd that she was dressed before the sun was out.

"I felt like working out," she said in a normal voice, looking at him and even attempted to smile. She stood and tucked at the hem of her top.

Chuck's eyes ran down her body, taking in the oversized t-shirt, yoga pants and trainers. Then something occurred to him. "Are you going for a run? I know this is a nice neighborhood, but is it wise to go out alone while it's still dark? I can come with you if you want. I'm not much of a runner, but I am tall, so that should scare off potential – "

Sarah interrupted his ramblings. "I'm going down to the basement. It's a fully equipped gym."

"Oh, well that's convenient." He didn't really know what else to say, but that didn't stop his mouth. "Do you need a spotter?"

This time Sarah's smile was genuine. "I think I'll skip bench pressing today," she replied. Chuck couldn't tell if she was joking or not, but before he could find out, she was already heading for the door. "Go back to sleep," she said, glancing at him over her shoulder. "And don't forget, breakfast is at eight."

Chuck waited until he heard the door click shut before lying back down. Sarah was right, he could use a few more hours. He was surprised that he'd gotten any sleep at all after the picture she'd put in his head the night before. He'd tried not to think about her that way, but he was only human and she was... He shook his head. Not going there again, he thought. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on falling asleep, thanking his lucky stars that Sarah didn't work out in a sports bra.

Then his eyes shot open.

"Not again," he groaned.


Sarah didn't bother with the lights. Instead she walked straight to the shelves against the far side and grabbed three towels. It might not have been the best idea she'd ever had, but she was desperate, so when she reached the weight bench, she arranged one towel over it, folded the second one into a make-shift pillow and lay down on her back, covering herself with the third. A couch would've been more comfortable, or one of her spare beds, but the gym was the least likely place anyone would discover her.

She set the alarm on her watch and closed her eyes, trying not to think about Chuck with his hazy eyes and his curls in disarray. It took some doing, especially after his concern for her safety, which she thought was sweet, but eventually her breathing evened out and she fell asleep.

42. Breakfast at the Bartowski's

Sarah stopped short of the dining room, tugged on her jacket and straightened her spine. A muscle in her lower back stretched painfully, but it was a small price to pay for getting some shuteye. She needed it if she was going to keep her wits about her around Chuck and Beckman. She took a deep breath and finally turned the corner to find Chuck and Maggie at the table eating cereal.

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