E l e v e n

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Bray smirks at me after leaving his chat with Kae. Step one looks to be complete. I internally grin from ear to ear; she is going to be putty in his hands. I must admit when I saw her approaching, I was furious. I didn't want to have to deal with her today of all days but then I realised it was an opportunity to get the ball rolling and get bray to ask her out.

Later, in the afternoon when half the girls wondered off for a place to empty their bladder, I approach Kae.

"I've no idea what sort of game you're playing but it ends. Now" I say to her in a hushed tone. I don't want any suspicions raising so I've got to act as natural as I can in terms of her getting close to bray.

She frowns "I'm not playing any games, what are you talking about?"

"I'm warning you now, watch what you're doing. After all he will choose me over you anyday"

"Well in that case hadn't I better watch who I'm doing?" she sasses and gets up and saunters off towards the girls. I see that her sass is still intact.

I internally cringe at the thought of her doing Braydon. Familiar feelings creep up....jealousy.

Age 15
There was a 'party' tonight that we're all going to. It was more of a mini gathering but I think word got out and now it's turned into more of a party. I'd just got home from school, Fridays seem to drag more than any of the other days, even more so today because we were all so hyped for tonight.
Declan one of the guys in our group at school was throwing it. His parents were away for the night. So him and his older brother Scott who is 18 decided to have friends round. There's even going to be alcohol.
I quickly go through the small talk with my mum and run upstairs to shower and get ready. We were all heading round about 7:30. Kae and I were going to go together and are meeting the rest of the gang there. She's been getting pretty close with Declan and they've been texting none stop for the past few weeks. He's alright but she could do so much better. His reputation isn't the best.
Once I'm ready I head over and knock-on Kaelyn's door. Her mum answers not even getting a chance to speak before Kaelyn comes barging past
"Alright bye mum" she says dragging me away.
"Cee-ya Ms Bowden" I wave and follow kae.
"Have fun, remember not too late! I'll pick you up at 11" Kaelyn rolls her eyes. I've always loved her attitude, she's always so sassy never caring about the consequences.
We both walk to Declan's it's only a 10-minute walk.
"Your mums pretty cool allowing you to come tonight, most parents are so strict" I say as we walk down the hill towards the main town.
"Yeah, but she's given me a curfew and has no idea about the drinks"
"How are things with you and Declan anyway? You text an awful lot"
She smirks, "yeah he's nice, we get on well"
I feel a pang of something in my gut...is that jealousy? No. Kaelyns just my best friend.
We get to the party and it's already pretty full. Our friendship group are already all here.
A few hours and few drinks later were all pretty buzzed and somehow gathering round for drinking slash party games. I stand and watch as a bunch of people play never have I ever and notice Kaelyn in the corner of the room with Declan. They are very close and I can just tell any minute they are going to kiss and the pang I felt earlier comes back. I tell myself it's probably just a big brother like protective instinct but deep down I know it means more than that. I turn my attention to Maddie who has tried getting close to me on multiple occasions and I've always brushed it off. It wasn't intentional I've just always been too busy to chat and meet her, funnily enough I've always been with Kae.
"Hey Maddie" I smile.
"Alex, hey how are you? We've not spoke in a while" she smiles back. She's a really pretty girl I can't deny that.
"Yeah i'm sorry, I've just been really busy. Maybe I can make it up to you?" I flirt.
"I'd like that"
I'm having a laugh with her and getting along really well when out the corner of my eye I see Declan and Kae kiss. It automatically puts my mood down and I can't help the feeling that arises. I don't know when I started feeling this way towards Kae, I've always seen her as a sister but since we've both hit puberty things have changed. I'm protective over her and always want to spend all my time with her. I'm seething with jealousy as he touches her waist and kisses her and I'm so confused as to what this means.   

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