New Security

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*Inside the house*

Me and Grayson was in the kitchen. Roger was dealing with Grayson's hand. The others were there. My dad was not happy with the guards. 

Charlie:" Why the fuck would you shoot? You cannot go round just shooting whenever someone is in sight. And at my daughter and the head's son."

Guard:" I am terribly sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

Sean:" Damn right. We are dropping you."

The guard nodded and left. 

Charlie:" Now everyone back to your places."

All the guards went back to their places as they left the kitchen. Then my dad and Sean turned to us. Roger finished tending to Grayson's arm.

Sean:" Grayson. Why the hell would you do such a thing like that. When this place is surrounded with people with guns?"

Grayson:" Dad I'm sorry. But Katie needed her asthma pump. I saw one in the car so I broke it."

Charlie:" Why the hell was you down there without Roger or one of us Katie?"

Katie:" I was going to see Grayson. Are you going to stop me from seeing my friends outside my own house now? Cos this is why we moved L.A. To be safer. But all these guards they give it away and the way all of you left your places just to go to the car. Pretty pathetic. If that was someone trying to break in then that could of been a diversion so they could go round the back way."

Everyone fell silent and looked at the floor. I had for once silenced my dad and Roger. They looked back at me. 

Charlie:" Grayson you are always welcome so is all of your family. How about we have dinner next week. I will cook. And I need to talk to Sean and Roger so you two go do something please."

Myself and Grayson nodded. He followed me to my room. We took our shoes off before going in there. We both sat on my bed. 

Grayson:" Sorry about that. I panicked."

Katie:" Don't be. They shouldn't of come out of their ranks. In the army they would have either been killed or kicked out."

Grayson:" You know a lot about all this stuff."

Katie:" Yeah. Me and Lewis used to sit in his room every night and watch crime programs or films. We used to listen to the news all the time and work on each case with the information they gave us. Then we would tell Roger and he could do something about it. We had a whole file of everything we did. I brought it with me."

Grayson:" I guess Lewis is your brother?"

Katie:" Yeah. I miss him so much. He helped me get through some tough times. He was always there for me. Even when we argued. He would always make me feel safe and like nothing could hurt me. But since his death, I have never felt like that safe since. I have just shut everything off."

Grayson:" What do you mean?"

Katie:" It was like all the life had been ripped from me. Then my mom dying nine months later. That's what brought me and my dad so close. We were scared that we might lose each other like we lost Lewis and my mom." 

Grayson:" That must of been hard. Even for your dad. Isn't there any other relative that you know?"

Katie:" Of course there is. But Lewis didn't like them and neither did I. My dad's parents showed up with a bottle of champagne and Whisky at my mom's funeral so my dad disowned himself from them. My mom's parents are dead. They died like Lewis and my mom did. The ones that didn't die like my mom and brother. They went on the run."

Tears started streaming down my face. I tried to hide them from Grayson but he saw. He moved next to me and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I couldn't believe that I opened up to him like that. I have never done that before with a boy but Grayson felt different.

There was a knock at my door and we broke away. Grayson opened the door and I wiped away my tears. Grayson came sat back on my bed and so did my dad, Sean and Roger. They shut the door behind them and stood in front of me and Grayson.

Charlie:" We have come to a conclusion about security."

Sean:" We have thought about what you said Katie and you were right. It could of been a diversion."

Roger:" Wow you two take too long to get to the point. Basically Katie you, Grayson and Ethan are going to be learning a defense activity tutored by me to be able to defend your self until one of us can get there."

Katie:" So we will be able to come and sit in the meetings since you are letting us learn to fight. "

Charlie:" No that will stay the same. I don't think you would be able to hand the things that have happened or been said."

Grayson:" But Katie is strong. She could handle it I think."

I looked at Grayson and mouthed "thanks". He nodded.

Charlie:" I am sorry. But no. "

Katie:" So you wanna keep me safe but then you are keeping things from us that could be vital information that could possibly save our lives but no don't worry the people that left their ranks to come crowd round a car and left other places optional for break ins no best. Don't forget you are army agents. If we were all in the army, if you broke ranks you would be killed and probably your army or you would be kicked out. But no go ahead."  

Roger looked down and smiled so my dad or Sean couldn't see. But Sean let out a smile.

Sean:" Well Charlie. Your daughter has persuaded me that she knows too much not to be in the meetings but she is your daughter so I will let you decide. Come on Grayson we are going home now Son."

Broken Life // Grayson Dolan 1Where stories live. Discover now