One More Day

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*After school- Thursday*

I waited by Grayson's car for him and I went early so he didn't have a chance to go so quickly. The bell went and a load of people came rushing out. I saw Grayson walking over and when he got here he did not look impressed.

Grayson:" What do you want?"

Katie:" I wanna talk to you. Please?"

Grayson:" Look what has been and done. It's in the past. We gotta move on."

Katie:" Grayson please?"

Grayson:" Get in. I'll take you home."

Katie:" Thanks."

We got in the car and it was an awkward silence for at least five minutes.

Katie:" Gray what have I done to you which is making you act so bad?"

He didn't answer. He concentrated on the road.

Katie:" Gray?"

Grayson:" Why didn't you tell me your brother was still alive?"

Katie:" I only found out a hour before you did. It was the same day. I honestly thought he was dead. I would have to be some sort of sicko to make something up like that."

Grayson:" I want to believe you but I can't."

Katie:" Why? Is this about your dad getting hurt?"

Grayson:" Well you were the one holding the knife. Your dad said in the interrogation room. My dad had a knife wound. Looks suspicious."

Katie:" Do you really think that was me?"

Grayson didn't say anything. I was disgusted. We arrived at mine and I got out.

Katie:" Thanks a lot dickhead."

I slammed his door and walked all the way up to the front door. I knocked and Lewis answered. I stormed in and ran straight to my room. I slammed my door shut and flopped on my bed. I started crying. I couldn't believe Grayson would do such a thing. I heard a knock at my door and Lewis came in. I sat up as he sat on the edge of my bed.

Lewis:" What happened today Katie?"

Katie:" Nothing special."

Lewis:" But you're crying. It must of been special."

Katie:" Grayson thinks that I stabbed his dad."

Lewis:" Why? That was Charlie. He threw the knife at me but I ran and Sean came round at the wrong time."

Katie:" It's no use. Just like before. What good is there in any boy?"

Lewis:" The boy next to you is your big brother and will always be here for you. No matter dead or alive. And also have a surprise for you. I know it's early but they wanted to."

Lewis walked over to the little cupboard with the ladder where he was camping out for a few days. He opened it up and out came Emily and Norman. I immediately stopped crying and ran and gave them a hug. I was so fucking happy to be holding my two best friends in my arms right now. This is all that I needed. 

We all let go and Lewis left us. We all sat on my bed to catch up.

Norman:" It is so good to see you Katie."

Katie:" You too. How comes you are a day early?"

Emily:" I told mom about Grayson and how much it affected you, so she said to make you feel better we could come a day early. But we are coming to your school tomorrow."

Katie:" Fine by me."

Norman:" We are going to make that Grayson jealous. I'll have my arm round both of you. And lets see the look on his face."

Katie:" I am so glad to have you back for like a month and a bit."

We chatted for ages and then we all fell asleep in my bed.

*At school- on field for all the main comps*

The whole school was on the field and I was playing football first and then after the drama squad i will play rugby. I loved it though, Emily and Norman and became instant friends with my new ones and They were all sitting together having a laugh. I knew it was much better to have them all together than just grieve over Grayson.

Once the whistle was blown the match began. It was only all girls playing but luckily I had Rose on my team. 

*Last comp- field*

Finally it was the last competition of the day and Ethan and Grayson was playing. They were on the boys football team. The match started and it got wild should I say. People bashing people and running around all over the place. Ethan scored the first goal and me and my friends shot up. After we all sat back down Emily nudged me.

Emily:" You do know that there will always be tough times. But it will always get better."

Katie:" I know. I am going to get over it."

Emily:" That's up to you. But if you don't then you have competition."

Emily pointed at Alice and Julia and I looked at them. I didn't care if Alice wanted Grayson. She could have him. Another goal had been scored by our team and I shot up with Emily. By the end we had won and Me and my mates run out to Ethan and congratulated him. Alice ran to Grayson. I gave Ethan a hug. 

Katie:" Well done Eth. Proud of you."

Ethan:" Thanks Katie. I appreciate it. Gonna go shower cos really sweaty."

Ethan left with his team mates and we all went back to sit at the stands. Now was the end of year assembly and they decided to do it outside. It was good though. The team had come back and they started the assembly. 

- - - - - 

Near the end of the assembly we were all waiting for the final bell. 

P. Bates:" I am so proud of this year of the school academy. We have worked extremely hard and have achieved a lot. Now before we all leave, I would love for the 11th grade to all stand up where ever you are."

All of my year stood up. Including Emily and Norman.

P. Bates:" I would like everyone to give these people the respect they deserve. They will be properly graduating next week for completing their time at school and achieving so much. And next year they will either go on to colleges or stay here for our college. But no matter what they do. I hope that they all remember that their school is the reason that they have achieved so much. With their brains and attitude towards learning and our resources. They have managed to become the best they can be."

Everyone clapped and cheered. We all sat down and we applauded Principle Bates. The final bell went and we all rushed to get off the stands and head home. But me, Emily, Norman, Ethan and the others stayed on the field to wait till it cleared a bit.

Broken Life // Grayson Dolan 1Where stories live. Discover now