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Professor Salicifolia's POV

"I won't fake my death," I tell the man.

"Well, the city of Celadon is already in mourning."

"What?! You did this without my say!"

Jacob's POV

Practically all services were shut in the time of mourning.

The gym was shut down. Pokecenters were shut down. Trains and buses that weren't automatic were unmoving.

Even pokemon seem to be in mourning.

"I never really knew him." Angelina says.

"Neither did I," I reply. "Hopefully, it won't be very awkward for long. Public services are reactivating tomorrow."

We were currently camping in the forest.

"Kakuna, Caterpie, Go!"

"Good idea. Croodile, Bellsprout, Geodude, Growlithe, Go!"

"Geo, Geodude."

I walk to Geodude.

"So, yesterday, you panicked, and I caught you, so, err, do you really want me to be your trainer?"

"Geo? Geodude." He nods his body.

"Yes! In that case, lets see what your made of. Hey Bellsprout, can you come over here for a moment?"

"So, Geodude, can you try a charge?"

Geodude stops moving. I can hear the electric crackling. Then it stops.

"Kay, now try an discharge attack. Bellsprout, try to dodge it."

Geodude sends out a wave of electricity. Hitting trees and the ground. Bellsprout dodged it.

"Try to thunder punch Bellsprout. Bellsprout, dodge it."

Geodude's fist starts to glow, then Geodude launches forwards. Bellsprout didn't have time to dodge.

"Bellsprout, you okay?"

"Bell-el Sprout." Bellsprout faints.


Angelina gasps.

I quickly turn around, to see a glowing, growing ball of light. It takes the form of a giant Bee.

"Yes!" Angelina punches the air.

"Wow! A Beedrill!" I say.

"Oh! Try a furry attack on that tree!" Beedrill flies forward and starts to attack the tree. "Ya! Lets go find some Pokémon! Come on Beedrill!" Angelina runs into the forest. I run after her.


"Ooh!" Angelina gasps at a Yanma. "I must catch it! Beedrill, furry attack!"

Beedrill flies forwards, before attacking with it's drills.

"Yaaaaannnnnnnnn!" A cry comes from the Yanma. Beedrill drops to the ground, Angelina falls to her knees as she covers her ears, I repeatedly slam my face into a tree. Then it stops.

Angelina is breathing heavily, Beedrill is twitching, I stop slamming my head into a tree.

"Okay," Angelina says softly. "Don't attack a Yanma."

"Angelina, I think you've got a case, of evolution fever." I say.

"Of what?" She asks.

"I dunno, I came up with it on, the spot."


A Spinarak comes out of the trees. Angelina looks at it with a look in her eye.

"Beedrill, go get it!"


Spinarak jumps out of the way. Then starts to run.

"No, you don't!" Angelina yells before throwing a slightly different ball. It whacks Spinarak before opening and sucking it in.

While it's shacking, I notice what's different. It's blue.

"You did steal the Netball!"

Angelina smiles sheepishly, before a ding interrupts the silence.

"Fine! Whatever!" I rub my temples.


I breath in. "I will forgive you this once, but if you steal another Pokéball," I think of a threat. "I will utterly defeat you in the Indigo league."

"We skipped Veridian city, and a bunch of others. Are we really going to the Indigo league?"


Jacob's team: Croodile, Bellsprout, Growlithe, Geodude.

Angelina's team: Beedrill, Caterpie, Spinarak.

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