Time Lapse

11 1 0

Angelina's POV

We soon headed to the gym, Jacob rushes to the gyms secretary. "I demand a Pokémon battle with the gym leaders!"

"I'm sorry sir, but-"

"Code eighteen dash blue!"

I was utterly confused, but the secretary seemed to under stand. "I will alert them."

"What was that?" I ask Jacob as we walk.

"Oh, well my aunts occasionally don't like accepting battles, so a Code was made to force them to battle."


Jacob pushes open the door to the battling field. Inside are three people.

Daisy, Lily and Violet. The gym leaders.

"Why, hello there Jacob!" Daisy called.

"Shut it." Jacob said calmly. "This will be a three on three match."

Lily frowned. "Spoil sport."

I quickly rush to the bleachers as Jacob heads to one side of the field. Daisy, Lily and Violet to the other. "Go Jacob!"


"Hey, little girl. Where's your parents?" The girl in blue asked.

"I don't know. They were at home, but then there was fire and I got scared and ran."

"What's your name?"



"Hey, Angelina we need help. There is a bug in our room." The boy said.

"Okay, just moment."

Angelina put away what she was doing. Then she followed the boy.

"Hey little guy."

"Paras!" The Paras recoiled as it struck out.

"Ouch!" The Paras raced away, out the door, away from the orphanage.

Despite being attacked, she didn't hate it, it was probably scared by her sudden movement.

But she did wish she could join it. Join it in leaving the orphanage. But then what? She was only six.


"My name is Jonas. I'm a bug catcher." The boy said.

"Cool! I just love bug Pokémon!"

"Hey, why don't you have a Pokéball, that way you can get your own bug Pokémon?"

"Really?" She asked.

"Sure, I have plenty."


She quickly packed her bag. She just couldn't take it anymore. She was tired of everyone rejecting her because she could instantly become friends with bugs.

She had already used all her saved up money on the boat tickets. She would leave. No one would even care.


"Welcome to Pallet Town!" The woman said cheerfully.


The town was quite pretty, with all the buildings across the fields.

As she walked past a house a black haired boy quickly rushed out the door and into a car. Then it immediately drove off.


"Hey little fella." She said to the Weedle. "What do you say? Oh wonderful!"


"No! Butterfree! I'll help you!"

She didn't know why she felt so much emotion over just a random Butterfree. Probably a combination of emotions over the past couple days.

Finally, she made it to the Pokémon center.


The emotions were too much. She burst into tears.


She looked into his eyes. His green eyes.


"Woo hoo!" Jacob yelled in joy. He deserves to know. I thought. But he deserves his happiness right now.

Jacob's Team: Croodile, Growlithe, Weepinbell, Geodude.

Angelina's Team: Beedrill, Caterpie, Spinarak.

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