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Mark looked at his sleeping mate who had pained look in his face. He brought Jinyoung to the nearest hotel to finish their steamy activity that was started in Mark's car. Mark studied his mate's face as he tried to figure out what happened to them.


Mark was crazy for Jinyoung's alluring gesture in his car. He almost fucked Jinyoung inside his car if Jinyoung didn't show his pained look as he grimaced and Mark wonder why did Jinyoung looked troubled.

Mark decided to drive his car to the nearest hotel and booked a luxury room to them. Bringing his mate in bridal style, Mark put Jinyoung down at the soft material and he shifted his position on top of his mate who had his hands wrapped around Mark's neck. Jinyoung arched his head to kiss his mate passionately and Mark gladly welcomed Jinyoung's tongue to enter his wet cavern. He smelled his mate's vanilla scent and his eyes hooded with lust.

"I want you Mark..." Jinyoung gave a clue to Mark to start work to please his mate. Tearing Jinyoung's shirt roughly and attacked Jinyoung's burned body.



After made love to his mate, Mark hugged Jinyoung and using his power to erase Jinyoung's pain. But, Jinyoung still whimpered in his embrace and he whined that his lower back is sore and itchy, trying to scratch his back but Mark did it for him instead. Mark couldn't help but felt confused that his power didn't work to his mate like usual.

Flashback end.

Mark caressed Jinyoung's cheek, made the younger stirred from his sleep. His eyes fluttered open and he frowned to see himself at the unfamiliar face. He noticed mark beside him and he peeked inside the blanket nervously, only to find himself naked and Mark state was similar to him. He sighed dejectedly and threw back his head on the pillow.

Jinyoung's POV

Finding myself at a cheap hotel with someone I hate beside me, naked, it was not the best thing to happen. I forced myself to get changed with clothes I asked from one of my servant to bring it at the hotel. I put it on and I was about to flip the knob when Mark's hand held my wrist.

"Jinyoung, your condition is not good." He said but I just glared at him.

"that's not your business!" I snapped and pulled my hand from him. To be near him was something difficult as I still could smell his lavender scent and his touch sent electricity to my skin. I decided to leave Mark at that hotel and took a taxi, heading at Suzy's apartment.



I pushed the bell of my girlfriend's apartment and Suzy was quick to open the door, letting me go inside her apartment. She looked at me worriedly, I knew that the love bites from Mark was visible and I felt guilty towards her. I drew her closer to me and hug her.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered while hugging her tightly. I couldn't help but felt calm and warm every time I near my girlfriend. I was sure that I love her.

"for this." I pulled myself from the hug and pointed my index finger to my neck that was full with purplish marks. She smiled bitterly and I couldn't help but hug her again. "I don't know what happened to me, but I couldn't control myself.

"your body is burning, oppa..." Suzy change the topic and patted my back gently. "you need to rest." She muttered and I nodded, following my girlfriend to her bedroom. I lay down to the bed and pulled Suzy closer to me, hugging her gently.

"let me hold you like this, Suzy-ah..." I tightened my hug and she hugged me back while drawing circle to my back. "you're warm..." I saw Suzy smiles before I closed my eyes.

Gumiho's MateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang