Study in Pink pt. 6

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Flynnigan ran out the door.
"Has anyone seen a suitcase!?"

Nobody had. I leaned over the railing of the staircase and watched him.
"Maybe she checked into a hotel and left-"

"No no no!"
He was practically frantic at this point.
"Look at her hair! She matches her lipstick to her shoes, she'd never go out with her hair like that!"
He froze. That strange smile creeped onto his face again. He began to make his way downstairs.
"Serial killers are always tricky. You have to wait until they make a mistake."

Detective Inspector Lestrade joined me at the railing.
"We don't have time to wait."

He looked up at us smiling broadly.
"No! We're done waiting! They've made a mistake!"


And then he was gone.

The Detective Inspector and I looked at each other. They were tall, with long, if a bit frizzy, blonde-ish brown-ish hair, and dark eyes. They looked like this wasn't the first time this had happened. I remembered something.
"How did he know I was..."

Their smile stopped me.
"The same way he knew about me without being told. He just has an eye for things like that."
They looked around.
"Well, you should probably get out of here before someone complains. Specifically Micheal Anderson. The guy hates anything to do with Flynnigan."

Before I could say anything else I was escorted outside onto the street. I looked around, hoping Flynnigan was still here. Sergeant Donavin saw me looking.
"He left."


She nodded.
"Hopped in a cab and rode off."
She turned to walk away before I stopped her.

"Excuse me, do you know where I can get a cab? It's just a bit too far for me to walk."

She pointed towards the street.
"Try the main road."

"Thank you."
I started to leave, but she had one last thing to say.

"Be careful with him."

"Excuse me?"

"Flynnigan Holmes. Be careful with him. A man like him doesn't make friends. He gets off on it. Murder. And someday, solving them won't be enough. Someday we'll all be looking down at a body, and Flynnigan Holmes will be the one who put it there."

She had to be joking. Sure he seemed strange, but not that strange.
"And why do you say that?"

She shrugged.
"He's a sociopath. Sociopaths get bored."

This was ridiculous.
"Yes thank you for that. Now if you'll excuse me-"
I walked off, not turning around this time when she spoke.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!"

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