Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, in a faraway land where the sun rose in the west and fell in the east, was a lush and fertile land. The land was covered in dense forests and large rolling plains, bisected by mountains whose tops reached the heavens, and surrounded by blue waters as far as the eye could see. Both human and non-human alike inhabited this strange land. Many mythical creatures roamed the prairies, dwelling in the caves and oceans, claiming the lands as their own. They moved across the lands freely, acting as nature had willed them, devouring their prey without remorse and hiding their true natures.

But over time, human beings began to invent new technologies and with innovation came the expansion of cities and development of advanced weaponry. Hunting parties were sent out to exterminate anything in their path. Soldiers and guards were sent to defend and slay dangerous beasts. Raids were carried out on peaceful, harmless creatures whose only desire was to survive.

And so the creatures began hiding away. Some secreted themselves to the mountainside caves or crevices, never to be seen, but for the adventurous few that ventured deep into the mountains. Others hid underwater in the depths of the ocean, coming out to lure their prey with song and dance. Many of those that could not swim or fly hid themselves in the woods, sometimes burrowing underground. And the smartest of the bunch began taking human form to blend in.

Not all were successful. It was impossible to completely quell their beastly nature. The call of the wilds drove them to consume human flesh. The burgeoning hunger to tear flesh from bone. The aching need to run wild across windy moors. The burning desire to roar when the moon was full.

To protect themselves, humanity began arming themselves better, slaying everything that appeared in their path. Rewards were given to those who could successfully kill the creatures threatening humanity. Stories circulated about the status and wealth of a successful hunt. Lured by promises of fame and fortune, many signed up as hunters and formed hunting groups, blatantly unaware and naïve about the true nature of the beasts they hunted.

Those who sought fame and glory quickly realized the difficulties of doing so. The creatures they hunted grew more dangerous over time, able to see in darkness and often moving in packs. They grew smarter over time, wary of humans, and ever-vigilant for the next easy meal. Many hunts ended in failure. The survival rate was very low, and some went weeks without completing a successful mission. Bloodshed, missing limbs, and the distinct possibility of death were frequent outcomes of venturing into the unknown.

Among them, though, there was a particular hunter who was becoming fairly well-known. No one was sure where he came from, but none doubted his prowess at slaying the creatures. Hailed as the strongest hunter, many recognized him through his signature red cloak, stained with the blood of the lives he took, and 'less-than-normal' height. No one dared call him short lest they find themselves without a limb or one's crown jewels. He was the best of the best and called in to hunt the creatures others couldn't manage.

The moment he entered the forest, Levi felt eyes on him, observing his every move. Whoever or whatever it was waiting for him to weaken his defenses. But the hunter knew better. He was the best in all the lands, which was why he was getting paid a hefty reward for figuring what was responsible for people vanishing. Technically it wasn't for an extermination, but rather a 'search and then kill if dangerous' mission. What made it dangerous was the fact that several hunting parties who entered and stayed in the woods for more than half a day never returned. Those who had returned found nothing amiss and could provide no hints as to the creatures lurking in the shadows. No one had any idea what inhabited the dense thicket, and being some creature's dinner definitely was not on Levi's agenda today.

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