Chapter 6

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Eren stared in rapt attention, pulse speeding up as he admired the hunter standing in front of him. The green-eyed shifter couldn't believe how toned the man was. But it made sense given how easily Levi had been able to carry him without difficulty when they first met. His arms were made of lean muscle. Chiseled abs that would make anyone envious. Muscled thighs and a sculpted ass made perfect for digging his fingers into. Eren wondered what the calloused fingers from years of hunting would feel against his skin.

Eren's eyes were drawn back to the soft raven locks crowning Levi's head, his fingers itching to weave through the inky black strands which began from that sharp widow's peak, cresting, and framing the hunter's face and making him look younger. The ebony strands stuck out from the rest of Levi's coloring, jet black and untainted by color.

He could feel the heat from Levi's similarly unique eyes. Like liquid mercury, flinty like the shards of obsidian, then melting and turning to silver. Cold as chips of ice freshly carved from frozen tundra in one moment, and then heated like molten steel from glowing fiercely in the darkness in the next.

Skimming his eyes down, Eren stared at the kissable cupid-bow lips normally hidden in a scowl. Pale slips of pink which stood apart from Levi's otherwise monochromatic coloring. He had kissed those soft, supple, and smooth lips once before and craved a deeper taste. Enraptured, he watched as Levi's mouth opened to speak, barely catching the words that flowed out.

"Oi, are you just going to stare at me like you did in the river, brat?" A teasing smirk formed on those lips. Just a small upward lift at each corner. The real amusement shone in those obsidian orbs which were openly perusing him.

"Wha–!" Eren was taken aback from having his dirty little secret known. "You knew?"

"Of course. You suck at hiding a secret, Eren." The hunter purred his name, walking closer, and breathing hotly against Eren's ear. His heart beat furiously in its cage, thumping enough to hear without any trouble. "Scared of topping? Shall I go first then?"

"No! It's just that you're so beautiful Levi..." Eren trailed off. That was the only word he could come up with to describe the pale-skinned hunter.

"Tch, are you some fifty-year-old virgin? This isn't your first time, is it?"

"Can't I admire how beautiful you are? I didn't get a chance to before."

As a shifter, Eren was used to seeing others naked – clothing only got in the way when changing forms – but he couldn't help but think that Levi was beautiful. Highlighted by the streams of moonlight flickering through the canopy, the hunter's body was as pale as moonlight, adorned with the occasional scar, lithe, and made entirely of lean muscles bursting with hidden strength. Strands of silky black gleamed in the silvery light.

"Huh." Levi flushed slightly, never having experienced someone complimenting him with such directness. He was used to snarky comments about his height, implying that he would be a good bottom given his height, and not things that Eren intimated.

"You want me that badly, Levi?" Eren boldly took a step forward, delighting at the small shiver that passed through the hunter. "Lie back." Pushing Levi backwards onto his red cloak, Eren licked his lips in anticipation at the sight of the dark-haired, pale-skinned hunter.

There was a feral light in his eyes as the shifter leaned his head down. Moving down with the hunter, he roughly latching his mouth onto Levi's as he had wanted to do for a long time, Eren pressed forward with his tongue, slipping in and exploring the sweet, warm cavern. Eren could taste a hint of mint, cool and refreshing, on his tongue.

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