Switching Up

415 17 0

Destiny's POV

I don't speak. The last time I spoke was 8th grade. The person closest person to getting me to talk is Chanel. Speaking of her, she is ft me rn.

c- hey girl

me- (waves hi)

c- wyd

me- (shakes head no and smiles meaning "nun")

c- oh cool. can I come over?

me- (shakes head "no")

c- why

me- (shrugs shoulders and looks around meaning "I don't know the addy or where I'm at"

c- oh ok. you getting sold today?

me- (nods "yes")

c- oh well ttyl

me- (waves "bye")

The ft hangs up

My current owner ,Mr.Omar is selling me today. I mean my private is and isn't lose at the same time. Most of the men just touch me only 3 of them really fucked me. Well more like rape.

Mr.Omar- You ready (grips my butt)

me- (nods yes and rolls eyes)

At The Market

Mr.Omar- The bidding starts at 500

????- 1k

???- 5k

?????- 9k

Silence fills the room

Mr.Omar- (k going once, twic... (gco)

???- 10k

More silence

Mr.Omar- 10k going once, twice, three time and SOLD to Mr....

???- Mr. Bowles

The man I got sold to had two boys with him. One was light skin with an afro and the other was darker but light skinned but still darker. He had colored dreads that were blue. They both had on masks. The one with an afro had a panda one and the one with dreads had a bape mask. They were both fine as hell but............ The one with the afro was cuter. Wait what am I saying? I can't fall for him. I'll only be there for a week. No p[point at all :(.

Mr. Bowles- Well it is time to switch up now (hands Mr.Omar a suitcase full of money)

Mr.Omar- Thanks. You are delightful

Mr.Bowles- Nice doing biz with u

Mr.Omar- Bye D

me- (waves bye)

I ain't gonna lie, I kinda do miss Mr.Omar already.  He never forced me to do anything. I was more of a maid or him.

How you enjoyed the first chapter! What'd you think. I love everyone reading this! Unedited, 328 words.

                                             -XOXO SavageSquadGoals

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