Chapter 1.

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"Ah, Mr. Logan. Please take a seat. It's such a pleasure to finally meet you."

The older woman in front of me, gently held my hand in hers. Her hand was cold and boney. Her hair was neatly placed back into a tight bun with a cold glint in her eyes.

"I took a seat and placed my phone into my back pocket. " It's an honor to be able to be selected for this school" I held a tight smile as the woman in front of me nodded in approval.

"That it is. You already received the acceptance letter?"

I nodded with a slight fidget between my fingers.

"Good. Now since the last time you spoke with someone, our school has gone through..some changes. For better or for worse, that is up to an individuals judgement." Her voice held disgust and I cocked an eyebrow.

"The owner of the university is on his last leg and has passed down owner ship to his youngest grandson. The grandson has some new visions for our school. He's already implemented the new rules and they must be followed" Her lip held a snarl as she mentioned the grandson.

"Of course. Are they in the handbook?"

She grabbed a sheet of paper that looked to cheerful for a college rule sheet.

"This has all the new rules that you will need to know."

I grabbed the sheet of paper and scanned the rules. Many involved a lenient dress code which I appreciated dearly. I thought before the new semester started I would have to dye my hair back to brown, I had grown fond of my green locks.

Some mentioned how textbooks and class schedules would be assigned differently then the last one made me bunch up my eyebrows.

"Co-ed dorms?"

She leaned against her desk with the same disapproving scowl on her face. "Yes, he wants the student body to become equals and wishes for everyone and anyone to room together."

I felt my cheeks burn from wondering if I would have some cute college girl staying with me for a whole year.

She took the sheet from my fingers and placed it neatly back on her desk, then she plucked another small slip of paper from her stack and handed it to me.

"You will be in what we call a cluster dorm. There will be four other students assigned in your small apartment, five rooms, two bathrooms and a fully working kitchen. This will help you learn how to interact with different personality's." Her voice held a nasty undertone which I ignored.

Four other people? That sounds just like if I were back at home with all of my siblings. I left to get away from that. I felt a scowl forming on my lips.

"Trust me Mr. Logan, I am not happy about this either. Just humor the new owner and make it through a year. With that all said, your dismissed"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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