Keeper Clan

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This is a description of the members of the Keeper Clan, who the story revolves around as they Journey to save their world from the darkness that threats to swallow it whole. There are 11 Important members in total, but the total that makes up the Clan numbers in the forties.

Rosilynn: Rosilynn (Name changed from Miakoda) is a unique hybrid born as a mixture of the Moon, Sun, and Blood Clans. She is the Alpha Female and is the mate to Letos. She was prophesied, before her birth, to be the one to defeat the Hell Clan leader. She is a white she-wolf with black markings (in tribute to Azurehowlshilach's awesome series on youtube called Azure Howl. go to the link to her Channel here and show her some love for if it wasn't for her awesome series I probably wouldn't be working on this again: 

Letos: Letos (Ley-tos) is Death Elemental wolf born into the Death Elemental Clan. He is Rosilynn's mate and the Alpha male of the Keeper Clan. Before meeting Rosilynn, he traveled alone, though fate threw him into Rose's path. His fur is pitch black and the irises of his eyes are bright red.

Dante: Dante is the only elder wolf in the Keeper Clan, though due to being a purebred Angelic wolf he looks young. Hailing from the Heaven Clan, he is Rosilynn's most trusted guardian until the time she can defeat the Hell Clan leader. His fur is unlike the rest of his clan beings that it is a mixture of black, brown and grey. 

Azure: Azure is a Water Elemental wolf. Her fur is light blue and her markings range in color from a sea-green to white. She is the Beta female and mate to Incedis. Like all Water Elemental wolves, Azure ADORES the water and is just as playful as the rest of her clan when it comes down to it. It is this particular playfulness that allows the Keeper Clan to remain together despite being made up of different species of wolves.

Incedis: Incedis is a Fire Elemental wolf. His fur is what you would expect of all Fire wolves, but with his Clan's fur being so diverse his is nothing unusual, being that his fur is red with markings that range in the orange spectrum. He is mated to Azure which is highly unusual as the Fire Elemental Clan and the Water Elemental clans have never gotten along. Incedis is usually a very serious wolf until it comes to Azure and the Keeper Clan. Incedis is the Delta and is in charge of teaching the newer Clan members how to fight.

Salvus: Salvus is a Life Elemental wolf. Unlike Rosilynn who had black markings, Salvus is white with silver markings. Salvus has the unique gift of being able to detect all life forces around him by simply using a silent bark that acts more or less like echolocation only to reveal the auras of all living things. 

Gliss: Gliss is the only Ice Elemental wolf in the Keeper Clan. Like Azure, her fur is a light blue but her markings are harder to detect as they are only a shade darker than her fur. Gliss has the ability to run over pure ice and often uses ice-based attacks. She has also been known to freeze a bit of water to help keep her body temperature down on extremely hot days.

Oris: Strong and sturdy, while still gentle and kind, Oris is an Earth Elemental wolf and is the one of the last of his Clan. At first meeting, many would think Oris to be the alpha male of the Keeper clan due to his large size but he cares nothing for being in a leadership position though Rosilynn and Letos often seek his advice on matters regarding plants. Often described as the gentle giant of the Keeper Clan, Oris knows how to control his great strength and normally wouldn't hurt a fly...unless that fly was his enemies then he uses his strength to bring them low. His main fur color is a dark brown with a long mane that runs along his neck to his tail which has the colors of spring plants being dark green and his markings are light green. 

Gayle: (gale) Gayle is a special wolf in the Clan, like all Air Elemental wolves, she has wings and uses them to her advantage and not just for flying either. When in Combat she can cause a whirlwind with a quick snapping of her wings. Like Azure Gayle is playful but hers is a step further with her attitude being borderline aloof and seemingly carefree. Fur color is grey with green and white markings.

Farad: Farad is a Lightning Elemental Wolf and as such is as quick as a bolt of lightning when using his attacks and abilities when in combat. Being the singularly fastest wolf in the Keeper Clan, Farad is often entrusted to send messages between the Keeper Clan and their allied Clans. His fur is a golden color with purple markings. 

Aurora: Possibly the most unique of the Keeper Clan, Aurora is a Light Elemental wolf whose fur resembles that of the Northern lights and uses a variety of elemental abilities, however, she is the Clan healer due to her extensive knowledge of the plants and thanks to her gentle motherly demeanor all the members of the Keeper clan see her as the Wise Wolf and often go to her for advice. 

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