World of Calling Fate

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I probably should have added all this as the very first part but hey, I'm a goof! :) deal with it lol. 

World Name: Ruteazan (aka: The Elder Vale)

Only 7Continents: Atish, Nohira, Aurecone, Uzen, Amush, Ihea (This is where Calling Fate takes place), Aqun

Named Mountains: The Everlasting Rise (Located on Nohira), The Ancient Peaks (located on Ihea), The Hopeless Summit (located in Uzen)

Named Oceans/Seas: Ets Gulf, The Troubled Sea, The Dark Abyss, The Frozen Expanse

Named Lakes: Iris Waters (Located in Ihea), Harmony Depths (Located in Amush), Mirrored Basin (located in Atish) 

Named Rivers/streams/etc: Teal Tributary (runs into Harmony depths), Flowing River (Runs from Iris Waters), Frothy creek (located in Nohira), Laughing Stream (dried up, Located in Uzen), Whispering Brook (runs into Iris Waters)

This is what I call my confirmed world. I do not have a map of what this place looks like as I think the imagination of the person reading the story should be enough to picture what this beautiful place should look like. I personally believe that this place will remain as such, HOWEVER, I will state that Ihea alone is a huge continent; think of it as being about half of all of Asia sized. But unlike our world Humans do not exist at all and the wolves of this series are the main "people" but do not use technology nor even have the idea of technology (Would you if you had awesome powers? I know I wouldn't lol). 

The Flora and fauna of this world do mimic that of our own world with some examples being: Lilacs, Lavenders, Cherry Blossoms, Pine trees, the mighty Sequoias (such beautiful and mighty trees), Oak trees, nightshade plants and basil plants to name a few. Of course, this is a fantasy story so there are many different made up plants as well. Now onto a different subject, The stars in the sky. 

Like our world, Ruteazan has many different constellations (some of which will be in the story) that light up the night sky, but it only has a single moon. This moon (Edona) is named after the lupine Goddess of Destiny who the Wolves believe sacrificed her very life to create The Elder Vale. 

As in our world, there are many different species of animals but all go by different names as they are all different species of a single animal species, for example: the Glepecker is a robin-like bird species but males are ebony with little 'stars' all along their feathers while the females range from a sliver to a deep grey. And there are many more!

Now to the ever fun part: the Months. To keep with the theme of Ruteazan being sort of like our world, I have made sure to keep to the 12 months in a year. I have not yet named the months but those will come as time goes on and each month will range from 29-31 days...depending on how I feel about it... *nervous giggle* Unfortunately the months will take me a bit longer than usual to name as I've never had to give unique names to a group of 12 months before. One month I can say will sound similar to the 5th month of our world as a mixture of our 5th month and the 5th month of the Dragon Age games as a sort of tribute to that awesome game series (my pour heart always falls for those awkward goofy chantry boys by the names of Alistair and Cullen *waits for the other non-Alistair and non-Cullen lovers to throw rotten fruits and vegetables*)

Anyways! Thanks for putting up with me in putting this late information between the Hell Clan and the next Clan I am working on. Have a great day/night all! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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