Chapter 18

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Natalie's POV

The next morning at school I try to avoid Austin as much as I can which means sitting on the other side of the room from him in the classes we take together and taking a longer way to most of my classes. I just can't believe he wanted to do what he wanted to do with me! I trusted him! I thought he was different from all those players but no! He's just as bad as any of them. Last night I didn't get any sleep. My crying kept me awake. I know some people say 'I cried myself to sleep', but that's not me at all. I'll be too busy crying to do anything else.

"Hey, Natalie!" I hear a voice. Oh no! It's Austin. I pretend I didn't hear him and keep walking.

"Natalie," he grabs my shoulder to stop me. "I'm so sorry about yesterday! Can we just forget about it?"

"We can forget about anything and everything that you and I went through together. We can start a new day with no memory of each other and never have anything to do with each other ever ever again! That's what I want. So please, just leave me alone." I push past him and start crying heavily.

"Wimp." Girls laugh at me.

"You don't know my story!" I yell back at them.

"That's because your story is boring!"

"How do you know?"

"Because I know everything."

"You don't, you don't know my story." I can't believe I'm having this argument.

"I know everything I need to know."

"Your pathetic."


"Pathetic, I tell you. Pathetic!"

"Humph." They push past me without another word.

"All you are is mean! And a liar! And pathetic! And alone in life and mean! And mean, and mean, and mean!" I yell at them as they walk away.

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