Chapter 20

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Taylor's POV

"... I came out alive but I'm black and blue-ue!!" I sing my heart out. "Before you ask me if I'm alright, think about what I had to do-oo!"

This is part of the song I wrote about Austin and Natalie. I skip to the name of the song.

"I've got an I heart question mark written on the back of my hand!" It starts off magical and then they break up and everything crashes and burns. I just wish other people could understand these songs as much as I can. It would make my heart fly if I knew that they knew exactly what I'm talking about! I start singing my other song that I love because it relates to people not understanding my songs, even though its not really their fault.

"But some day, I'll be living in a big ol' city and all you're ever gonna be is mean! Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me and all you're ever gonna be is mean." Right now I'm not in a good mood.

"I'm sorry Taylor. I really am." Austin tells me. I ignore him and keep facing away from him. "Taylor, I loved her and I was trying to make our relationship better but obviously I'd had zilch experience and stuffed it all up." I still don't reply and I feel tears stinging my eyes. "Taylor!"

"What?! You broke her heart and now you expect me to talk to you?! In your dreams!" I burst out at him. "I was helping you before, why didn't you listen?"

"I'm sorry. I expected wrong from who I thought was my gentle, innocent, forgiving sister." He walks away, leaving me sitting in my bed, feeling guilty about how I'm treating him, crying about the mistakes I've made.

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